The place we pull up to isn’t in a great part of town, the houses run down and the streets in need of repair. The name of the guy, Gary Olson, didn’t ring a bell for any of us, and when Miles looks the guy up on his phone on the drive over, he’s not able to find anything useful either.
“I don’t understand why he’d hurt Lily,” Miles murmurs as we pull up, his gaze assessing the property.
“Doesn’t matter. He’s going to pay for it.”
“Pay.” Miles frowns. “Yeah.”
I’m not sure what I said that’s making him look weirdly thoughtful like that, but I don’t bother to ask. I get out of the car and head for the front door, banging on it. “Gary! Open up!”
Miles follows behind me and reaches me right as Gary opens the door.
I grin at him, and I can’t see my own face, but the grin feels more like a snarl, and whatever it is, it makes Gary look terrified as his skin turns the color of curdled milk.
“Yeah. You should be scared.” I shove him back into the house, and I keep shoving him back and back and back until he hits the wall and I can pin him there, my arm across his throat.
Beside me, instead of objecting, Miles looks like his vibrating with his own fury. “You better fucking explain yourself and what you just did, before I let my pack mate here do whatever the hell he wants to you.”
“You’ll be sipping food out of a straw,” I growl. I barely even recognize my own voice. I didn’t know it was possible for me to get this angry.
“You can’t do this,” Gary spits out, but he’s shaking with fear. “It’s assault!”
“You’re absolutely right,” Miles says, his tone barely held in check. “But do you really think the police are going to get here in time to stop us?”
“You don’t get to talk. You smashed into a woman with your car. You could have killed her. You almost committed a fucking murder—”
“No, no! I never would’ve killed her!” Gary yells. “I drove purposefully, I was asked if my driving was good enough not to kill her, it was just supposed to injure her and scare her!”
“She’s pregnant,” I snarl. “You could have killed her baby.”
Gary swallows hard. “I… I didn’t know. They didn’t tell me.”
“Who?” We might finally get some answers out of the guy, because for the first time he doesn’t look just scared, he looks guilty too.
“The—the—the Grizzlies,” Gary stutters out. “They paid me off. I have so many bills, man, and they paid me in cash, enough money for me to move out of this dump and get my life back on track. I couldn’t say no.”
“I wondered,” Miles murmurs. “When you said pay…” He shakes his head and then looks at me, his eyes lit up with the same fury I feel.
Speaking of money, the Grizzlies are going to pay for this.
Chapter 44
While we wait to see what Miles and Lawson find out, Cruz calls the babysitter and asks if she can stay longer with Ben. The babysitter assures us that she’s happy to spend the night, and that Ben is safe and sleeping soundly.
I’m relieved. I want to go home and find him, hold him, but the doctor wants to keep me overnight for observation, just in case there are complications that they didn’t catch upon first examination, or if my concussion gets worse.
In the meantime, Knox and Cruz try to keep my spirits light by discussing which room we should use as the nursery for the baby, and how we’d like to decorate, and scheduling a proper doctor’s appointment so we can get an ultrasound and know just how far along I am and when I’m due.
“We want something gender neutral,” Cruz argues with Knox. “So that whether the baby’s a boy or a girl the room will be nice. Yellow, maybe.”
“Yellow’s too cheerful, we need a soothing color like blue or green. Who says girls can’t have blue or green rooms?”
“Okay, fine, but—”
The door opens and we all turn to see Miles and Lawson enter.
They both look furious.