I try to remember. It’s a bit fuzzy.
“Don’t try to force it,” Miles advises. “Relax and let it come to you.”
His advice surprises me. “You have experience with concussions?”
“It’s something that we’re advised to learn about, since it’s a strong possibility we’ll get one while we’re playing the sport. Minor concussions are really common.”
I nod and try to do as he says, just relaxing as Cruz suggests he reach out to the babysitter to make sure everything’s going well with Ben. It’s too late for him to be awake so I can’t see him or hear his voice, but it’ll definitely make me feel better to at least hear from the babysitter that he’s had a good evening.
The thought hits me so fast that I’m speaking before I even realize I’m having the memory. “I was hit.”
Everyone pauses. “What?” Lawson asks.
“Another car hit me, it came out of nowhere—I had the right of way, it was green, the light was green for me—and I heard—the car sped up and hit me.” The words stumble out of me, jittery and cut off, not a proper sentence.
Lawson stands up. “What the fuck?”
The other three Alphas look just as furious. But the more that I sit there, the more the memory crystallizes in my mind.
“Yes.” My voice shakes. “It hit me on purpose. I was hit on purpose.”
Chapter 43
Lily’s revelation hangs in the air.
Holy fuck.
I was already upset that she was in an accident. I was terrified. It took everything in me to hold Knox back from fighting that orderly because I get it, I really fucking get it, but if we got kicked out of the hospital and then couldn’t see Lily it would’ve been even worse.
When I’m the guy holding you back from a fight, you know that you need to drop it. It wouldn’t help Lily, and we couldn’t do anything that would risk our ability to get to her and see her.
Now we have her, she’s safe, and my heart has just started to calm down, and I learn that it was on purpose.
It’s a damn good thing I hadn’t known about that before, or I might not have had my mind enough with me to stop Knox from fighting the orderly.
I want to find whoever did this to her and make them pay. That’s our goddamn Omega, that’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us. It’s Lily.
Whoever did this is going to learn fast what a goddamn mistake they made, messing with our Omega. I already was furious when I learned about the issue at Lily’s workplace and that was long before I was in love with her the way I am now.
“Who is it,” I snap.
Lily shakes her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t see anything other than the car. And I’m not sure just yet what kind it is. Maybe if I remember more… but it was all so fast.”
I have to move. I jump up and begin to pace back and forth across the room. I want to do more, I want to beat the absolute shit out of whoever did this to Lily, I want to run and run and run until all of my energy is used up.
Knox doesn’t look any happier than I am, but instead of pacing he stays on the hospital bed, keeping his arms around Lily and holding her close. I don’t think he’s going to let go of her any time soon. We were all scared, but Knox was out of his damn mind. He just lost his sister. I can’t imagine how crazy I’d be with the idea of losing Lily, so soon after I lost someone else I loved. It would be the extra push to a breakdown.
Cruz already has someone on the phone. “I’m calling our lawyer.”
“The police are going to want a statement,” Miles points out.
“They can get a statement and they can do their investigation, but you and I both know they move slower than molasses in winter. Our lawyers can get us a private investigator. Money talks, they’ll get us someone quality, and the guy will move fast because we’re paying him to move damn fast.”
There’s noise outside the door, I think the police, and Miles gets up to deal with it while Cruz calls our lawyer and explains the situation. “No, money’s no object. However much it takes.”
Lily looks like she might start crying again, and all the anger drains out of me so fast it makes me dizzy.