Everyone gasps. A few people jump to their feet in shock.

I look around. “Where’s the HR department?”

A woman points in the right direction, her eyes wide and mouth open as she stares at me. I nod in thanks and head over, leaving Alfred sprawled on the floor with a broken and bloody nose.

The HR ‘department’ is just one man with an office that’s actually its own room, although it’s a small one. He looks up when I enter. “Who are you?”

“I’m the guy who’s about to buy out this company,” I inform him. “I’m also the guy who just punched Alfred for assaulting one of your employees.”

The HR guy stands up. “What?”

My fingers twitch. The temptation to punch this guy too is strong. “You should’ve protected your employees better. If you had, maybe I wouldn’t be buying out your boss and firing your ass as well as Alfred’s.”

“You—what—just who do you think you are?”

I want to punch the guy, but I refrain. He’s not worth it. The guy looks like a weasel and he sweats too much. Alfred’s charming and good-looking. I can see the dynamic plain as day, the hanger-on, the man who feels he can’t get women and can’t be popular, swayed by the stronger personality of the man who’s everything he wants to be.

I turn and walk out the door, leaving the guy to splutter in terror and Alfred to deal with his injury. They deserve worse, if you ask me, but I feel better for what I did. Lily deserves this at the very least, if not more.

I know I’ve got a short fuse, but I don’t know who the fuck would blame me for this one. Especially if they met Lily. She’s wonderful, and damn it, she deserves to feel safe and protected.

Once I get outside and head for my car, I pull out my phone and call our lawyer. We have a veritable team of lawyers, from our individual lawyers to avoid conflicts of interest, to the team lawyer for the Titans, but this is our pack lawyer.

“Lawson, how are you doing?”

“Great. Listen, I have a company that I need you to buy for me. Draw up an offer, and make it good enough the owner can’t refuse.” I explain the company and the details, then get into the car and head home.

Our lawyer will take care of acquiring the company. It’ll be easy, with how small it is. We can definitely afford it, and besides, we’re always getting lectured by older players to make sure that we have other sources of income.

You won’t be able to play hockey forever, when you have to retire, you’ll need something to fall back on.

And if I’m getting revenge on the people who hurt Lily in the process… well, that just sounds like icing on the cake to me.

My phone rings when I’m halfway home. Cruz. Ah, crap. He’s probably wondering where I am. I answer. “Hey, I’m on my way back.”

“Back from where?”

“Lily’s old workplace. She told me what happened to her and why she quit.”

“Is she okay?” Cruz’s voice gets sharp in a way I’ve rarely heard, the kind of sharp that he only takes on when he’s feeling protective. Usually, it’s toward one of his team members on the ice because he’s our captain and he takes it seriously. Other times it’s his pack or Ben, or his siblings.

If I was already in any doubt, that’s all gone now. Cruz is just as protective of the sweet, pretty Beta as I am.

“She’ll be fine, now, but some jackass decided not to take no for an answer and shoved her. Bruised her pretty hard. She went to HR but the guy told her to let it go.”

“What the fuck.” Cruz sounds about ready to hop up and head over to Lily’s old office himself.

“I took care of it. Laid the guy out flat and talked to Jerry. We’re going to buy out the company. We can fire the HR guy, install someone else, I’m thinking a woman, and we’ll definitely fire the guy who did this to Lily in the first place. I’ll have Jerry work up paperwork for all of that. You know how everyone’s telling us we need another source of income anyway, in case something happens, one of us gets injured or something.”

“Yeah.” Cruz’s voice is a little forcibly light, and I wince. He’s always pushing himself, but I know he worries about all of us, constantly aware of the ways we push ourselves, where our weaknesses could be.

He wants to take care of his pack and his team, like a true Alpha and a captain. It’s why I know he doesn’t mind what I did for Lily. He’d do the same in a heartbeat for her, I can already tell.

“We have the rest of the day off, and we didn’t have plans. You should head over to meet Jerry in person. Get it all ironed out,” Cruz suggests. “Have Jerry work his magic so that the guy you punched realizes it would be a bad idea to sue.”

“Good idea. Just—can you keep an eye on her? She didn’t want us to know she was hurt. The bruise seemed mostly faded, but it still hurts her.”

“Of course. She’s safe with us.” Cruz sounds like he’d fight an entire army for Lily’s sake.