“Tell me, do you all go to monologuing school?” Cain asks. “Do you have to practice public speaking and stuff to become a megalomaniac? Or do you decide to take over the world just so you have an excuse to make grand speeches all the time? Is this a chicken and egg scenario?”
I have to stifle a laugh. Cain grins, looking far too pleased with himself.
Roanac stares at Cain, as if he’s contemplating whether it’s worth it or not to kill him. But he must decide that my mate could possibly be useful in some way, because he turns away.
I realize I’m holding my breath, and I release it slowly. If anyone tries to attack one of the men, I will not be held responsible for my actions.
Instead of grabbing one of the men, though, Roanac grabs me and drags me toward the center of the room. The Aurora Gems glow all around me. Shit. I’m about to die, aren’t I?
Behind me, I can hear the men try to launch forward, only to have the shades stop them. There’s the sound of scuffling, and I don’t have to look around to know that the five of them are fighting as the men try to get to me, the shades keeping them back.
The men are holding back, I’m sure of it. Probably because they don’t want their own actions to get me hurt.
I’m going to die. The thought comes to me as if I’m speaking to myself, my own voice calmly echoing back at me in my head. Well, that’s how it’s going to be, then. I’m going to die.
Roanac leads me into the center, where I see in the middle of the Aurora Gems is some kind of contraption. It looks like a bear trap, but not quite, and it’s glowing faintly. Possibly powered by the gems themselves. There are magical runes carved all over it, as well as on the floor.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” I ask, making my tone as demanding as possible. If these are going to be my last moments, then I want Roanac to know that I’m not scared of him. I want my men to know I’m not scared.
Roanac finally smiles, a fierce, dangerous glee glinting in his eyes. “You’re going to give me unstoppable power.”
My stomach clenches as his words wash over me, and I realize I was wrong a moment ago.
I am scared.
I’m terrified.
My blood runs cold at Roanac’s words. Unstoppable power? How can I possibly do that? My blood can’t possibly be that powerful. Nobody’s can be.
Is this guy crazy? That’s my first instinct. He has to be delusional. But even if he is, he’s convinced that this is true and real. And he’s got powerful magic at hand. I can’t exactly laugh in his face.
Even if part of me really wants to.
Cain snorts, and I know he’s thinking the same way that I am. This has to be nuts. But the light of fanaticism is strong in Roanac’s eyes, and I know I still don’t want to mess with him or anger him.
He must be about to kill me to use my blood. How else is he going to use it, right? What other way is there?
My blood feels cold. As if my body knows what it’s about to be used for and it doesn’t like it. I sure as hell don’t like this. What do I do? What can I do?
The men have quieted down a bit but they’re not taking this lying down, either. The two shades are yanking at North, who’s growling and snapping at them, and Cain’s muttering and glaring. Only Raven is standing there quietly.
His tattoos are shifting.
My breath catches in my throat, and I know in a flash that I have to work quickly to keep Roanac distracted. Raven’s tattoos move when he transforms or uses magic. I’m not sure if it’s just a part of his half-gargoyle nature or if the tattoos themselves have power. North and Cain are keeping the shades occupied, and it must be on purpose. I just have to keep Roanac focused on me.
“What is wrong with you?” I snap, sounding as indignant as possible. “You must be out of your mind. You can’t use someone’s blood for that kind of power. That’s not how someone’s blood, anyone’s blood, works!”
“Oh, you foolish child.” Roanac shake his head at me, and I bristle. I’m not some naïve child. I may not be super versed in magic, but I’m not an idiot, thanks.
“Fae blood is powerful,” Roanac explains. “Why do you think vampires are after it all the time? Stupid of them really to get drunk on it the way that they do. But it’s not because fae blood tastes like chocolate. It doesn’t taste good. It tastes powerful. It’s that magic that they can taste that makes them go so crazy for it.”
Roanac takes me by the elbow and guides me into position in the middle of this contraption. “But of course, blood just as it is doesn’t really work for big rituals like this one—ah, if you’ll just step over here, please, dear, thank you.”
He starts touching the various symbols on the metal in a particular order, making them light up different colors.
“Then what is it good for?” I retort, trying to keep him talking. I can’t have him looking over at the men. I just have to distract him and hope that whatever they’re doing, they’ll do it quickly. “I can’t believe that you actually know what you’re doing. People have been trying to drink our blood and abuse us for decades. Don’t you think that if our blood could be used for this kind of powerful thing that somebody would’ve done it by now?”