Page 69 of Claimed By Monsters

We’re marched out of the prison area and down the hall, back through the massive receiving hall that Donovan has—seriously, is he compensating for something?—and through another doorway, down yet another hall, into a still pretty large but smaller room.

This one seems to be large not to show off but for functionality purposes. A huge circle is painted onto the floor, and symbols are drawn on the walls. It’s a portal room, I realize, but one of the largest ones I’ve ever seen, the kind you could fit a whole group of people into.

Like if you were trying to transport an army.

We’re led into the circle, and I shiver at the implications. Donovan’s no ordinary mob boss. He’s got plans. And I have to admit that I’m terrified to find out what those plans are.

Speaking of Donovan, the man himself arrives, stepping into the circle with us. He looks far too pleased with himself, wearing a suit and everything.

“You got all dressed up?” I ask. “Just for me? Aww, you shouldn’t have.”

“Kiara, don’t be ridiculous,” Cain adds. “He’s dressing up for me.”

We both beam at Donovan, who looks like he’s having to actively remind himself to be patient with us. Look, I might be a prisoner here, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make myself annoying to deal with. I’ve never taken anything in my life lying down, and I don’t intend to start now.

“I do hope you maintain that chipper attitude,” Donovan says. His voice is silky and charming, but in that way that tells you he’s got something nasty hidden underneath. Like a fancy gold tablecloth that’s covering a pile of bugs. “You’ll need it.”

The symbols on the walls glow, as does the circle around us, and I close my eyes against the bright light as we’re transported to a new location.

When I open my eyes, I have to suppress a shiver.

I have no idea where we are. I’m not sure if we’re even in the United States anymore.

We’re standing outside of a castle that’s at the top of a tall, steep hill. It looks like it’s crumbling a little, with holes in parts of the roof and the walls, but it also looks like the stones themselves are soaking up the darkness around.

All around us, and the castle, is just dirt and craggy rocks. I can’t see anything growing. No trees or plants, not even grass. The sky above us is dark and stormy. I have no clue where we are. It’s like we’re in the middle of nowhere.

The guys around me don’t seem to recognize this area either. They all try to press close to me, but the guards keep us apart. Raven still seems weird, not as out there as he normally would be, silent and still beside me. Usually he would be showing that he’s not intimidated. He’d be going after these guys. But now he’s oddly subdued.

North has got no such problem. He’s actively growling.

Being taken to a second location is never a good thing. Are we going to make it out of this alive?

I hate to admit this to myself, but I’m not sure.


We’re led up the rocky, dusty path toward the castle. I try to look around and get some clues to figure out where we are, but I can’t tell. There are no landmarks or any other sign of life or civilization around here. It’s like someone took this castle from somewhere else and plopped it into the middle of this barren landscape.

Up above us, the sky rumbles and stays dark. Is it ever sunny here? Did we just happen to come by when it’s all foreboding like this? Or has there been some kind of spell cast that makes the sky always like this?

I’m not an expert in magic, but I can feel it. All supernatural creatures can feel magic. And it’s strong in this place. It’s in the air, coating my skin. I can practically smell it.

Whatever’s going on here, the person or people controlling it are extremely powerful. More powerful than any other magic user or supernatural creature that I’ve ever run into. I shiver again, but I keep my head high. I don’t care what situation I’m in, I’m going into it at least looking calm.

Even if that’s the opposite of how I feel on the inside. I’ve never been this in over my head before. The hill’s steep, and we’re getting up pretty high. I feel like I’ll fall off if I stray from the path.

The gates of the castle walls are made out of twisted black metal. They creak open slowly as we approach, and a few figures emerge.

Oh holy shit. Those are shades.

Shades are reanimated dead. They’re not all gross like zombies, they’re more like dried out husks. Like mummies, only without the embalming wrappings. I haven’t seen any in person before. They’re made of pure evil magic and nobody I’d mess with would be doing that. I stay far away from anyone who would do this kind of thing and keep these creatures as bodyguards.

Shades aren’t exactly known for their intelligence. But they’re not lumbering idiots. They’re fast and strong fighters. That’s part of their appeal. Enemies don’t expect them to be that quick or that strong. It’s nothing to do with their muscles and everything to do with the evil magic that lives inside of them and keeps them animated.

Fuck. I don’t want to have to fight my way through a bunch of these to get out.

The two shades stare at Donovan. Their expressions are frozen, given that they’re all dried out, but they look unimpressed.