Cain takes a deep breath. “We didn’t kill him.”
“What?” How am I still alive then?
To be fair, the men seem to be just as confused by this as I am. “We’re not sure how it happened,” Cain admits. “Because he said that the process was going to kill you.”
“Yeah.” It was kind of a big deal. “So how am I here?”
“Roanac was weak,” North says. “He looked like he was dying. We wanted to finish him off, but you seemed close to death too.”
“Your blood was moving out of you and into him,” Cain says. “We decided to save you and stop the ritual and we hoped that it would kill him in the process, instead of just trying to fight him outright. We worried that if we just focused on stopping him, you might die.”
“I tried to find Donovan,” Raven adds. “But he’d already gotten away.”
“So, we had to pick this other safe house.” Cain gestures around us. “We’ll move to somewhere better soon but this was the closest thing on short notice.”
“Wait.” I hold up my hands. “So what happened to Roanac? He didn’t die once our connection was ended?”
“Far from it,” Cain says, his voice grim.
“But if the ritual worked then how am I here? Did you guys save me?”
“We didn’t do anything.” North sounds confused. “You just healed on your own. We were going to heal you ourselves once we got here, but we weren’t sure how. Potions and first aid we can do but not advanced healing and this was way beyond our paygrade. We needed a mage. But your wound just started closing on its own.”
I look down at my chest again. I have a long, thin, pink scar that now runs up my torso, but it looks much better than I would have expected it to, given what Roanac did to me. His own chest scar isn’t exactly pretty. But this isn’t just neatly healed, it’s like a scar that I’ve had for a month, not something that healed just a few hours ago.
How did I heal all on my own? After such a wound and when I was so weak? I don’t understand.
I feel along the scar. It doesn’t hurt. There’s no tenderness. It just feels like my normal skin.
“Guys, seriously.” I look up at the men. “If you’re hiding something from me, if you made some kind of deal that means you, I don’t know, sold your souls or something so that I’d heal, I need you to tell me.”
I’d tell them that I won’t be mad at them except we all know that would be a fucking lie, I’ll be furious if they sold their souls for me. If that’s even possible to do, I don’t know.
Cain chuckles a little at that. North and Raven stare at him, and he quickly sobers up. “Sorry, that idea was just a bit ludicrous. No, I promise, we didn’t do anything. You healed all on your own, before we could even patch you up. You’ve been unconscious the whole time, but you seemed okay, just asleep as you healed.”
This doesn’t make any sense. I don’t understand it. How can I be okay? “But what about Roanac? If I’m okay that means that his ritual didn’t work then, right?”
The men all exchange another look, and I feel sick.
“Maybe the ritual didn’t work all the way,” North acknowledges. “But it worked enough. He unlocked the power in your blood.”
My breath stills in my chest.
Oh no.
As he takes in my horrified look, North nods. “Roanac has become the most powerful supernatural in the world.”