“And I’m sure I’ll get right up in there to give it a nice, thorough examination,” Cristiano says. He goes to the corner of the bed, grabbing one of the manacles, and I tense. “Calm down, Fox. I’m just making sure you don’t squirm too much and rip open your wounds.”
“Or you’re going to tie me up and leave me to suffer.” I pull my hands closer to myself. “Come on, just spank me or something.”
“I’ll spank you once I’m sure you can handle it and not a minute sooner,” Cristiano says. “Despite what happened the other night, I am a responsible Dom.”
I consider him for a second. Well put-together, handsome, controlled… but I don’t think he’s telling the truth. He thinks he’s a responsible Dom, sure. But he lives in the mafia world, and I know he’s murdered and beaten up people without a single shred of remorse.
Even if he didn’t fuck me the other night, I know he was getting off on it too.
I want to see him lose control again.
“Yeah? Well, you can do that without tying me down,” I say, and very pointedly start to roll over onto my back. I wonder how much effort it’ll take to open up my wounds and bleed all over the sheets again.
He grabs me by the back of my neck and forces me to stay down on my front, pushing my face into the blankets. “Stay put,” he growls. “I know you’re unaccustomed to having someone take care of you, but as long as you’re here in my care…” He slips a manacle around my wrist and snaps it quickly into place. “Give me your other hand.”
“Fuck you, Daddy,” I say, jerking the manacled hand while hiding the other one beneath my body. I don’t have a lot of leverage right now, but he’s going to have to let go of my neck in order to grab my other wrist.
“One way or another, you’re going to end up on your stomach,” he says, his voice deceptively calm. He doesn’t release the back of my neck as he climbs onto the bed, sitting on the backs of my legs to hold me partially in place. “And you’re going to stay there, and thank me for it when I’m done with you.”
“I’ll thank you for it when you’ve actually done something worth writing about.” I wait until he bends forward, then I snap my leg backwards to kick him in the back. It’s not a particularly hard kick, but I must have caught him off guard because his hand on my neck loosens. I jerk back hard and elbow him in the stomach.
He lets out a grunt, and I can feel him double over. “You really are angling for a beating,” he snarls, and I revel in the heat in his voice. There it is. I can almost see the real him, the part of him that did spank me even when I was bleeding, who got so single-mindedly focused on my pain that he cared about nothing else. He just needs a little more needling.
I writhe and buck, and he ends up bracing a hand on my back. It digs into one of my wounds, and I moan at the blossom of pain. Still, I’m not gonna make it easy for him. I manage to twist onto my side, and I drive my free hand up against his jaw.
His head snaps to the side to deflect some of the blow, but he snatches at my wrist and forces it down onto the bed. “If you don’t stop fucking fighting me, I will tie you to the bed and leave you here all alone while your wounds continue to heal. You understand me, Fox?”
That would suck, but I refuse to give in. I grin at him. “Yeah? It won’t be much different from what you’ve been doing so far.” I jerk my arm to free myself, but his grip is absolute—and tightening, too, creating another lovely point of pain. If not for the cock cage, I’d be hard and leaking now.
“I fuck good boys who deserve it,” Cristiano snarls. “You keep insisting on trying to disobey.”
I can’t help it: I laugh in his face. Better to laugh than worry about the way my heart pounds faster and my chest tightens uncomfortably. “Yeah? How’d that work out for Luke? Got a lot of fucking from you, being such a good little sub?”
He shoves my face back down into the pillow, threatening to smother me for a moment before letting me up. “You don’t know anything about me and Luke,” he says, his voice harsh. “You don’t know anything about me and… anyone else.”
He’s right. I don’t know about him and anyone else, because he’s never been seen going anywhere with someone other than the occasional arm candy. “I know he was a cute little twink who was desperate for your hand, and you weren’t interested. I know the people at the club were resigned to being temporary partners. If you like the good, obedient little subs so much, how come you didn’t take one of them home?” I snap my teeth, for all the good it does with my face angled toward the bed. “You had more fun beating me bloody. Admit it, Daddy. You aren’t one of those soft, harmless little doms they breed at those clubs.”
His breath is coming fast, ragged, but he refuses to say it, refuses to admit it.
He finally pushes my wrist toward the other side of the bed, and even though I buck and fight, he manages to get me bound to the bed.
I can hear him trying to catch his breath, and he stands—and sheer panic washes over me, because… What if he really does just leave me all alone? I struggle to my knees, making a point to moan at the pain.
My back feels wet, but I don’t smell blood. It’s probably just sweat. My hair is clinging to my forehead too.
I reach out for the headboard and glance at him, wiggling my ass. “Tired already? I thought you had more stamina than that, Daddy.”
“I have plenty of stamina,” Cristiano says.
I hear him unzip his pants and smile. Finally. I spread my legs and wonder if he’s actually going to attempt to go in dry. It wouldn’t be the first time a guy did, although I don’t think I’ve ever taken a guy as large as Cristiano without prep.
Clothing rustles, and I assume he’s shedding his pants. He grabs my bare legs and pulls them down, forcing me to go from kneeling down to flat on my stomach.
“Do I need to tie your legs down, too, or are you going to behave for me?” he asks.
“I will never, ever behave,” I tell him with a laugh. “But I’ll hold still if you start spanking me.” Just to show off how disobedient I am, I start struggling to my knees again.
Cristiano lets out a frustrated sound and grabs my ankle, pulling it toward the bedpost and getting the cuff around it. He squeezes my ass cheek just once before going for the other leg.