“I guess he shouldn’t be the only one getting laid,” I drawl. “Good to see you, Peter, Silvano. Give the boss my regards. I’ll drop by in a few days, once I get a few deals ironed out.”
“Sure. Send Linda back in if you see her!” Peter says, waving as I leave.
Silvano only raises his glass.
Fox follows me back past the curtains and into the main hall. Once we’re reasonably far away, I ask, “What did you think?”
“I think somebody didn’t expect to see you alive,” Fox murmurs quietly. “But… no, never mind.”
My attention is fully on him. “Tell me,” I order him. “If you have thoughts on this, I need to know about them.”
Fox suddenly tenses and puts a hand on me, using leverage to get me behind him faster than I have time to react.
A pretty, blond man in a mesh shirt stands opposite of us. “Hey, Cris. I thought you didn’t play with men.”
The nickname is enough to make bile rise up in my throat, but I force a smile onto my lips. “Luke,” I say. “I’m here for business, not pleasure. This is my new bodyguard, Fox.”
“Bodyguard,” Luke repeats, a smile slowly stretching across his lips as he looks Fox up and down. “That’s not what Heather said, Daddy.”
Well, fuck.
This Luke isn’t a physical threat, as far as I can tell. He doesn’t have a fighter’s stance, and even if he were simply affecting a helpless demeanor, I would probably be able to take him in a fight.
Well, on a good day, when my back isn’t aching and begging me to take more ibuprofen.
But I can see the way he’s eyeing Cristiano, and it’s not the look of somebody who wants to take him down. No, he wants to get pounded hard.
I grin coldly at him. “Yeah. I’m just so good, I won him over to my side.” I run my hand over Cristiano’s chest seductively.
Cristiano’s breath hitches just enough to give away the fact that I’m having an effect on him, which only makes my grin turn into a smirk. “Gentlemen,” he says. “This is no place for a pissing contest.”
He grips my wrist to force my hand down, but that tight grip isn’t exactly discouraging. I bite my lip seductively and moan quietly. “Where do you suggest, Daddy?”
Cristiano shoots a glare at me—one I ignore, and one that only gets Luke to take a step closer to us. “The two of you need to stop this right now,” he begins sternly, but another look between the two of us seems to tell him what I already know: neither of us is going to back down. “Get into the first private room that’s open,” he growls. “I didn’t come here to discipline a pair of ill-behaved pets, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do it.”
Rationally, I know it’s a bad idea. My back needs a break, we haven’t discussed what we’ve just heard, Silvano Cresci and Peter Boyce are still in the other room, and who knows where Dan is right now.
But I don’t care about any of that. I smile as I let Cristiano drag me to the closest room, Luke hot on our heels. Cristiano shoves me inside and locks the door behind the three of us.
I glance around, noting the generic BDSM equipment in the room. I don’t need specific tools or implements to get off—or to show Luke that Cristiano is mine.
“Now what the fuck is going on, Luke?” Cristiano asks, crossing his arms against his chest. “Since when do you not know how to take no for an answer?”
“Have you said no?” Luke counters, the challenge clear in his voice. “You blow me off—after one of the most intense sessions of my life, I might add—citing some sexuality crap, but here you are now traipsing around with some vanilla twink?”
Vanilla? Me? I look down at myself. The black shirt and the tight leather pants might not be what all the docile little subs here at the club wear, but I’m not wearing a button up collar and slacks either.
Luke doesn’t know what’s underneath these pants either. I can feel the cock cage rub against me every time I move, and the rod inside… well, my cock’s been wanting to harden all evening.
“I told you before the scene that I don’t take anyone home afterwards,” Cristiano says, irritation starting to make him sound impatient. “You’re the one who decided it was about sexuality and not the very real fact that I come here to play, not fuck.”
Oh, now that is interesting. I get closer to Cristiano and wrap my arms around him again, but my eyes are fixed on Luke. “Guess your hole just wasn’t as good as mine,” I taunt, and I even stick my tongue out at him.
Yes, I can definitely play the brat.