“Yes,” Fox answers dourly. “Thank you, Daddy. Please don’t leave me hanging.”
I huff, wishing I could let this go—wishing I could just leave him here like that, because I know that would be the real punishment for someone like Fox.
There’s a sour taste in the back of my mouth, though, as I think of just how close Silvano’s lips had come to Fox’s. The thought of the two of them fucking brings my rage back to the surface again, and I don’t hold back the next time I strike Fox with the belt.
He doesn’t cry out this time, but he gasps. His head sinks lower while his ass comes up. Three stripes already, and I wonder how many he could take.
I don’t think he’d ever tell me to stop. I could keep going for as long as I wanted, and all he’d do is thank me with a stupid smile and cry when I hold him.
It’s all on me, on my fragile grasp on self-control, and that feels dangerous because I just want to keep laying into him.
So I do.
One strike for nearly kissing Silvano—for kissing him, maybe, because I don’t know what happened before I arrived—and another, then again for good measure, because I feel like it.
He’s whimpering and shuddering beneath me, and I can’t help but think that Luke would lose his fucking mind if he saw something like this.
Good thing no one’s here to stop us.
I strike again, and I almost laugh when I see that he spreads his legs, giving me easy access to his hole and balls. I can’t think of any other person who wants a leather belt snapped at their genitals, but here Fox is, demanding just that.
I take a brief break to stare at him, to gaze at how open he is for me and to try to calm myself down, but I still want to take my belt to every single part of him I can reach.
“You want more? Are you my good boy? You deserve more?” I ask raggedly, clutching the belt more tightly. I want to see how he reacts to that when he’s in the depths of pain, when he’s vulnerable and open to me. My cock is hardening in my pants as I watch him, as I listen to his cries, and I wonder if I’m just fucked up.
I can’t find it in me to care.
Fox clutches the armchair and shakes his head. “Want more. Please, Daddy. Even if…” He rubs his eyes with one hand. “Don’t make me cry. Please.”
Instead of responding aloud, I slap the belt lightly against his balls, then his hole, in rapid succession.
He groans and lowers his hand again. “Thank you, Daddy.”
“You want it harder, don’t you, Fox?” I ask. “Or do you want me to fuck you senseless while I spank your ass?” I can’t decide what I want more—to sink my cock into his waiting ass while my palm hits warm skin over and over or to continue with the belt.
“More,” is all Fox says, wiggling his ass. “Just want you, Daddy.”
“Turn around,” I tell him. “So you can take your real punishment before I fuck you.”
He shudders and, after a few breaths he slowly turns around. His legs tremble as he does, and I resist the urge to throw him onto the armchair and just fuck him senseless.
Once he’s turned, his cock fully facing me, Fox gives me the most blissed out look. “Daddy?”
I grin at him, though I know it’s far from a pleasant look. I don’t give him enough time to realize what’s about to happen before the belt is striking him right in his erection.
Fox snaps his head back and cries out, a clear, beautiful sound. This is his pure reaction. This is him without all his manipulations, his attempts to hide from me.
And despite the pain, his cock remains hard and leaking.
I groan and drop the belt, grabbing him and turning him as fast as I can move. I force him down over the armchair and fumble with my trouser button and zipper. I curse when my pants and boxers don’t go down as easily as I want them to, but as soon as I’m bare, I spit in my hand and coat my cock with it.
“I don’t care if you’re ready or not,” I say hoarsely. “You’re going to take me, aren’t you? My good Fox.”
“Yes. Please, Daddy, please, please…” Fox starts rubbing his cock against the side of the armchair.
“You’re making a mess, aren’t you?” I ask him, slapping one reddened ass cheek with my hand. “I’m going to make you clean it up with your tongue. Every last drop. I don’t care how much pain you’re in. You’re going to be a good boy and clean up after yourself.”
“Yes,” Fox agrees.