Fuck, this was going south really fast.
“Kane, baby, look at me.” I waited until I had his attention, then cupped his cheek. “It did begin as some innocent fun for me. Don’t be mad, but you were so fucking hot, and so damn straight—”
His snort interrupted me, but then he fell silent again.
“So straight, I figured it would be fun to flirt with you, to tease you. I knew you from when we lived here before, and I thought flirting with you wouldn't hurt…” I closed my eyes in shame. “I never expected you to fall in love with me, or for me to fall in love with you. So I feel like an asshole for doing that to you in the first place, especially since you’re doubting how serious it is for me. I’ve never gone without condoms, never told someone I love him. Never worried about how to make a long distance relationship work. Never contemplated spending my life—” I shut up. This was going a little too far, and I didn’t want to scare him away.
Kane kissed me, putting me at ease. “I know. I knew pretty quickly you were just messing with me. Your flirting made me feel a little uncomfortable at times. But you know how I realized it was because I was developing feelings for you?”
I shook my head, still shocked he wasn’t upset, even though he had every right to be.
“Because I told you to stop, then instantly missed it. That was when I started realizing there was more behind all of this besides you being my brother’s friend,” he said evenly.
“No buts. There’s nothing to apologize for. If I were really, completely straight, I might’ve been upset, but… You did stop when I asked you to, so I can’t even complain, right? And I feel kind of flattered you picked me to flirt with.”
I stared at him, speechless. It wasn’t until after he pressed another kiss to my lips that I found my words again. “You know this isn’t how it’s supposed to work, right? You should be mad at me for using you that way, for playing with you.”
Kane rolled his eyes. “Maybe. But didn’t we establish we’re more than that now? How can I be mad when it made you fall in love with me? And me in love with you?”
“You’re weird, you know that?” I smiled softly to take away the potential harshness of the words.
“Yep. And now you’re stuck with me, weirdness and all.”
This time, my smile was fucking broad. “You won’t hear me complain.”
In the end,we had a lovely weekend. Since Kane had the time off, we spent it watching TV, cuddling, talking, and getting to know each other — in every sense of the word.
Micah texted me a few times, asking how things were going. First I answered with just, “well.” But he didn’t let up, so I finally made Kane take a picture of us with me sitting between his legs and both of us smiling in the camera.
It took Micah exactly five seconds to call me.
I looked at Kane, who nodded, and I answered the call. “Hey.”
“Oh my god!” Micah squealed into my ear, making me pull the phone away.
“Hi to you too,” I replied much more calmly, hoping that would get him to slow down. I was still sitting between Kane’s legs, a position I refused to give up. I’d never expected it could be so comfortable, but I’d been wrong.
Well, and it helped that his hands never, ever stopped touching me.
“How could you do this to me? You didn’t tell me and you were already together with him!” Micah complained.
“It’s new, so no, I didn’t tell you yet, sorry. We just wanted to see where this would lead first. So yeah, Kane and I are sitting here, and he’s behind me, so don’t forget he can hear everything.” Kane chuckled, and I went on, “But to satisfy your curiosity, yes, we’re together, and yes, we’re in love.” Kane’s hands squeezed my hips when I said those words. “And yes, we plan on making this work, even though we haven’t figured out the details yet. Too busy doing other things.” Kane tickled me for that, but it was good natured. “So that was the rundown. There are a few things we need to figure out, with college and all that, but we’re getting there. For now, we’re spending the weekend together, hiding from the world and learning about each other.”
Micah giggled. “I can see how you’re learning about each other. Finn and Kaaaane,” he started singing, his little persona coming through.
“I’ll tell your Daddy you were teasing us,” I threatened, even though I couldn’t be mad at him.
“That’s mean, and you know it.” He fell back into his grown-up voice, but he still sounded like he was going to tease me some more.
“Yep, I’m mean. Which is why I’m going to spend some more time with my boyfriend and let you annoy your Daddy. How about that? We’ll talk when I don’t have a sexy guy behind me who can’t keep his hands off me.” I kept my voice soft.
“Man, that’s just even meaner. You get to enjoy your man, and I… Oh, wait. I think I need to interrupt Daddy from grading some papers. Talk to you soon.” With that, he just hung up.
I stared at the phone, snorting out loud. “Somehow, I have the feeling Carter is about to get jumped in the next thirty seconds.”
Kane laughed but then went quiet when his fingers started teasing my nipples. “He sounds nice.”
I turned around to press a kiss to his lips. “He is. He’s one of the best guys you can imagine.”
“I guess I need to ask you why you were calling his partner Daddy one day, but first… I have someone else who’s also getting jumped in the next thirty seconds.”
With that, he pulled me around and into a far deeper kiss. Was it getting jumped when I was more than willing?