I kept expectingFinn to cancel.
I knew it was early for him, and despite teasing him about getting him out of the door at five, I wouldn’t have really done that to him.
I’d have done it to Sam in a heartbeat though… Now that was an idea I needed to keep in mind. Sam and I didn’t spend much time together, and dragging his whiny ass on a hike at five a.m. was sure to lead to some brotherly bonding. If you could call me laughing about him brotherly bonding.
I brought the bundle of clothes over to Finn’s house, texting him that I was there instead of knocking. I didn’t know if his parents would be up at seven a.m., and I didn’t want to disturb them. Finn hadn’t canceled, but maybe he’d overslept and there would be no one to answer the door without disturbing anyone.
He’d made it clear he never got up early. It had to be nice to study and sleep until noon then maybe go to college — or not, depending on how you felt. I couldn’t even imagine the freedom of it anymore.
I bit back that thought. There was no need to torture myself with that now since I couldn’t change anything at all. It wasn’t like it was Finn’s fault I’d had to drop out of college.
Finn opened the door, his face already freshly made up. I had to admit I was a little disappointed. I’d half-hoped to see him without it, mostly so I could compliment him. I was so sure he’d look just as amazing without it as he did with it on.
Why was I thinking about that? I mean, yeah, he looked… nice. He always looked nice. But I was curious to see just why he felt the need to hide himself behind cosmetics and a bright facade.
“Hey,” I told him, keeping my voice down. I offered the neatly folded bundle of clothes to him. “Don’t worry. I made Sam wash them before he handed them over.”
Finn laughed. “Thanks. Give me a second to put these on. Hang on.”
Somehow, I didn’t want to see him get rid of the jeans he wore, though I wouldn’t mind watching him take them off. They were way too tight, as always, but they looked good on him. It just left me with the question of how he breathed, but he was obviously able to manage. The outdoor clothes would be much more comfortable, though, unless he pulled the belt too tight.
The door opened again, and he came out with a frown on his lips. “I’m not going outside like this.” The trousers were much baggier than his jeans, of course, because… hell, everything would be. The same was to be said about the other clothing, though it wasn’t as loose as I’d feared it might be.
“You look great, and it’s perfect for hiking. Stop worrying,” I chided him.
Finn looked down, obviously still not convinced.
“You really do, and we’re also just going outdoors. Nothing else. We’ll be on my bike until we get there, then no one besides me will see you. Does that work for you?”
Finn hesitated a moment, then nodded. “I’m not feeling much like myself, to be honest. There’s absolutely no sparkle or bright colors or anything. These look like… I don’t even have words for them.”
“They look like outdoor clothes,” I said dryly. “Clothes that were made to be comfortable when you’re, you know, moving around. Doing some walking.” I grinned at him when his expression became a cute cross between looking horrified at wearing the clothes and rationally understanding why he was wearing them.
Finn’s lower lip stuck out, but he stopped himself from pouting after a moment. “I still don’t even know why I agreed to this, but since I’m already dressed for it…”
If I hadn’t heard his tone, which was anything but reluctant, I would’ve been worried he was regretting his decision. But as it was, I just slung an arm around his shoulders, pulling his smaller frame against mine. “Show some enthusiasm, at least. After all, I let you sleep in,” I smirked at his expression, “and I’m not going to drag you miles and miles until you drop. I picked a trail you should enjoy. It’s not too steep, and it has some stunning views.”
I urged him alongside me to my bike, completely ignoring the fact that he didn’t feel like my brother even though he smelled like him. I hadn’t led Sam like this for ages, but it also wasn’t meant to be anything but brotherly. Still, it felt different, very fucking much so.
I swallowed, then released Finn before I could ponder more about why it was different.
“I have coffee. If you get on the bike without complaining too much, I’ll give you some once we’re there. It’s even in thermo cups, so it’ll be hot.” I wriggled my eyebrows.
“That’s blackmail!” Finn stared at me like I was holding his makeup hostage.
“Nope. That’s bribery,” I corrected him, putting a hand on the small of his back to get him the last few steps to the bike.
“Bribery would be sweets and coffee. Threatening to withhold coffee is just blackmail.”
“And what if I said I had both? Coffee and food?”
“Then I might have to marry you.” He and I shared a laugh that was partially amused and partially uncomfortable. “Okay, never mind that. Sorry. Then I’ll get on the bike, and I won’t complain anymore as you drag me through the wilderness.”