“Umm…” I took out my phone and checked my work schedule. “I’m off Friday morning. Probably better to do it in the morning before it gets too hot outside. And just wear comfortable clothes.” I eyed him. “Like… comfortable for a normal person.”
“Are you saying I’m not normal?” Finn asked, narrowing his eyes at me.
“I— I didn’t—”
He burst out laughing before I could get my horrified apologies out.
“Oh, I see what you’re playing at. Okay, no. Hell, I’ll bring you clothes. Would you by any chance fit into Sam’s? Otherwise, you’ll probably try to hike in high heels or whatever.”
“I don’t even own high heels, I’ll have you know,” he said loftily. “I’m completely normal in that department. I do have a nice collection of shoes you might not find suitable at all though.” He grinned at me. “But if you want to, I won’t stop you from dressing me up. Or un—”
“Stop it right there,” I said sternly, shaking my head. “Seriously.” I looked him over, marveling again at the fact that he really did have a nice body. “I’ll ask Sam, then I’ll get you the clothes. You can try them on without parading around the house half-dressed, then we can go hiking.” My voice had dropped, adding some layer of… I didn’t even know. Conviction? Maybe.
“Thank you. I appreciate it. You can also stop by and have a look at my closet, but I doubt there’s anything suitable in there. I prefer much more… Well, you see what I prefer.” He shrugged.
“Finn,” I said quietly.
“Yeah?” He looked up at me, his eyes huge.
“You’re perfectly fine the way you are. Just… not when it comes to owning clothes for an activity you’ve never done before.”
“Thank you.” His voice wasn’t that loud, but he seemed to really mean the words.
“You’re welcome.” I checked my watch. “I need to get going. Work calls. But we’ll talk, okay? And I’ll take care of the clothes situation for you.” I didn’t want to leave, not really, but I needed to, and it might be better this way anyway. Flirty Finn was back, and while I enjoyed it more in comparison to how quiet and withdrawn he could get, I still needed time to get used to his ways.
“Thank you, again. I’ll go chat with Sam for a bit.”
I caught myself just in time, right before I stepped forward to pull him into a hug.
What the hell was wrong with me? I didn’t hug. Not at all.
Especially not my brother’s best friend.
Shaking my head, I squeezed Finn’s shoulder. With a last smile, I headed for the front door, trying to sort through the emotions running through me. Somehow, spending time with Finn messed with me, but I couldn’t get a grasp on why or how. It was a good thing I was heading out, and it was an even better thing I’d be at work, where I wouldn’t have time to obsess over Finn.