Oh. My. God.
Why had I never tried this before? I held on tighter, the smell of leather in my nose and the landscape flying by.
This was amazing. Breathtaking. Unbelievable.
I closed my eyes, rested my head on Kane’s back, and just held on. I’d never felt that free, that weightless, that much at ease. It was perfect.
Kane drovefor what felt like hours, slowing down at points and going what felt almost too fast at others. I held on, knowing I was safe as long as I clung to him. I realized he made me feel safe and protected — and, of course, I didn’t want to fall off the bike.
Finally, he came to a stop. I opened my eyes, seeing his driveway. I could’ve gone on for ages, but he’d said he needed to work.
He killed the engine and we sat there in silence for a moment, which was nearly deafening after the roar of the bike before. I realized I needed to get off, so I swung my leg over the back of the bike. When I felt hard concrete under my feet, I stumbled. Wow, my legs were like putty.
Kane’s hand shot out, catching me. “Easy.” He climbed off the bike, not letting go of me. “You okay?”
I nodded, slightly embarrassed. “Yeah, just needed a minute to find my balance.”
“That happens, yeah.” He still didn’t let go of my arm. “It’s the mixture of adrenaline and the speed.”
“I figured it was something like that.” I didn’t step back, even though we were standing far too close together.
Silence settled over us again, and I looked up at him. I didn’t even dare breathe. After a long moment, he finally released his hold on me.
I dropped my arm and stepped back. “Thanks for taking me on the drive with you. It was unbelievable.”
“You’re welcome. You made pretty good arguments. I don’t need a glitter attack,” he said, cracking a smile as he removed his helmet.
I lifted my own and grinned back. “I said I’d reconsider… not that it wouldn’t happen.”
“Oh, come on, really? I took you on such a long ride and you’re gonna betray me like that?” He eyed me. “That sounds a little unfair. I don’t want to get glitter bombed. Do you know what I’d do to you if you got glitter on this beauty right here?” he asked, patting one of the handlebars.
No, but I’d sure as hell like to find out if it meant him doing dirty things to me.
I batted my eyelashes at him. “Spank me?”
Kane blushed so hard that I couldn’t help myself. I started laughing. “You’d probably like that too much,” he mumbled, so low I couldn’t even be sure he’d said the words.
He might’ve been right on point. I wasn’t that much into spankings for punishment, but for pleasure? That was a different story. “Wanna find out? I think I’ve got some glitter in my bag.” I started pretending to hunt through it.
“What? No!” This time, he sounded downright alarmed.
Okay, so his bike was out of the question. While I liked messing with him, I didn’t want to actually upset him by glitter-bombing his bike. “I’ll keep my glitter off your bike, but what about on you? Or your—”
He surprised me by lunging at me. Before I could even react, he dug his fingers into my ribs, tickling me. I twisted myself, trying to avoid his probing fingers, but he was so much fucking stronger than me. He held me effortlessly, while I gasped for breath without even being able to defend myself. Kane didn’t let up, didn’t give me a second to get myself under control, forcing me to laugh and beg for mercy.
Finally, he just held me, not even out of breath — quite the opposite of me, who stood there with my hands on my thighs and wiping tears from my eyes.
“Wanna rethink the glitter attack? There’s more where that came from, just in case you’re still not convinced.” Laughter laced his voice.
I couldn’t even answer, but I shook my head. Hell no. Spanking, I could deal with, even if it was a punishment from a hot guy. But being tickled wasn’t my kink.
When I could finally get myself back under control, I glared at him. “I think I’ll pick Sam as my victim. You’re too mean. Fighting dirty isn’t nice, you know?”
Kane raised an eyebrow. “Who said I was nice?”
“I give you that. No, wait. You took me on a ride, you rescued me from being alone at the bonfire when Sam hooked up with that girl, and you let me eat breakfast with your family.”
To my surprise, he blushed again. “That wasn’t nice. That was just…” He couldn’t seem to find the words, and he trailed off.