He’d learn. Oh, he’d learn.
I took a step closer to him and his bike. “How about a ride?” I touched the seat, running my fingers over the leather like I’d do with a lover’s body.
“A ride?” he repeated. He swallowed, looking down at me. I was standing right in front of him, so close we were nearly touching.
“On your bike. One ride, and I may reconsider the glitter attack.”
“Reconsider… Sounds like I might have a chance, then.” He didn’t step back, and for a moment, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. He finally shrugged. “You sure you don’t want to wait around for Sam? He shouldn’t be too much longer.”
“To take me for a ride? No, I sure as hell wouldn’t trust him not to send us headfirst into a tree.”
Kane snorted. “I wouldn’t let him near my bike if it was the end of the world. He’s not even allowed to touch my baby.”
Lucky bike.
“Touchy about your bike, are we?”
“Yep, you bet.” He put a hand on the handlebar, stroking it. It put thoughts into my mind that I never should’ve thought about, and I had to shove them down.
“Wait.. I can… I can take you.”
“Only if you have time,” I said. It had been fun to talk him into it, but only if he was actually free, and not because I’d pressured him.
Kane shrugged. “I don’t have to be at work for a few hours. I was thinking about going for a ride anyway to clear my head.” He gestured to his boots. “You may as well come along with me, if you want to.”
“A ride on a hot guy—” Kane nearly choked, and I batted my lashes and corrected, “I mean, with a hot guy? Consider me willing. And begging to be taken… with.” I laughed out loud.
Kane looked downright pained, and he shook his head. “Let me get the extra helmet. It should fit you.”
I was a little disappointed that he hadn’t risen to the bait at all, but this was progress, at least. I got to sit close to him, hold onto him, and touch him. Definitely progress.
Kane came back a moment later with the helmets in hand. “Here you go.” He handed one to me, zipped up the jacket he’d put on, then sat on his bike before I even managed to open the latch to put the helmet on. “Come on. For being so pushy, you’re sure as hell dragging your feet now. Afraid?” I couldn’t see all of his face, but his voice gave away his amusement.
“Never.” I put on the helmet, then waited until he kick-started the machine. It came to life roaring like an airplane, the sound deep and full.
“Hop on!” Kane yelled over the noise.
I grabbed onto the bike and tried to elegantly lift my leg over the seat, which I probably didn’t manage. But then I sat behind him, wrapping my arms around him and touching the cool leather of his jacket — and inhaling the scent of the leather and his cologne.
“Ever ridden before?” he asked over the noise of the engine.
“Do carousels count?” I kind of expected him to bang his head against the handlebar, but he didn’t.
“So that’s a no.”
What would it take to actually get him annoyed?
“Okay, so.” He quickly explained the fundamentals of riding a motorcycle, obviously expecting me to pick up on the impromptu lesson fast. “You got that?”
I nodded. “I think so.” I wrapped my arms around him.
“Okay, then hold on.” Before I could reply, he pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, and I held on for dear life.
At first, he drove carefully, giving me time to get used to leaning into the curves, following his lead. We didn’t go that fast, but the houses flew by.
My head swam, my heart pounded, and it somehow felt like flying. I still clutched his waist, not intending on letting go any time soon. Even if he stopped the bike, I’d still leave my hands there, just to touch him.
Then we reached a larger street, and he increased speed.