Page 54 of It's Just You

“No!”My mind raced. How could I tell him that wasn’t what I’d meant?

“I’m just messing with you. Too easy.”

Another flutter of relief. “Now you’re just being mean to me. I guess it’s my turn to make you freak out then. Let’s see what I can come up with.” If he wanted to play, we could play. I was just happy he was good and that he actually seemed to be in a flirty mood so we could just… hang out a bit, even if it was just over text. I genuinely enjoyed his company, or rather, talking to him in this case, so it was nice.

Okay, who was I trying to kid? It was more than nice.

“Oh, wow, now that’s low. I was just messing with you, and you’re gonna bring out the big guns?”

I laughed out loud when I read his big guns comment. It just screamed for the perfect answer. “I thought I told you I liked them big?”

Dots. No dots. Dots again. No dots. He was either typing a novel or he had no idea what to say. I decided not to overdo it and wrote another message to him.

“Okay, so you sound like you’re doing really well. I’m glad.”

“Yeah, I am. Thanks for checking, though.”

“Well, since I would be the reason for a freak-out, I guess it was my duty.” I stared at my own message and cringed. Duty sounded so damn wrong, but I hadn’t thought of it that way until I’d hit send. “Plus, I needed a reason to talk to you.” There, better. It sounded way more like I wanted to talk to him and not like it was some obligation.

This time, I smiled when I saw his reply. I leaned back against the headboard, getting more comfortable as I read, “Good. That means I didn’t have to.”

“I always aim to please.”I grinned. Somehow, there were several sexual innuendos in there, even though I didn’t always intend it. But Kane brought that out in me. Well, flirting came naturally to me, but with him, just about everything came out sexual — which was probably my dick’s fault. I couldn’t wait to explore some more with him, to see and feel more of his sexy body.

“Well, you sure manage.”

I ran a hand over my head. “Stop the flirting or you’ll have to explain to your brother why I’m coming over right now, and not to see him.”Please, say yes. Please, just say yes so I can see you.

“I would love to have you come over, but actually, I can’t.”

I deflated. Damn. I would’ve loved to spend a few hours at his place, even if it might get a little bit dodgy with Sam. “It’s okay, don’t worry. I was just teasing.”

“I’d really love it if you could, but it’s just not a good time.”

I wondered what was up, why he wouldn’t be able to see me when he wasn’t at work, but I couldn’t find a good reason — or one I liked. “We’ll have time to meet up again.” I paused. “And until then, you can keep up the flirting. ;-)”

“Deal. Thanks for understanding.”

I was about to start a new message, hoping I could at least get him to text me a little more, simply because I liked it and he seemed to be okay with it.

While he did vanish a few times, we chatted on and on, mostly about small things — getting to know each other, teasing, flirting, and everything else in between. It somehow reminded me of hanging out with Micah or one of my other friends, not like I was talking to someone I just wanted to get laid with. Maybe that came because we had been friends before, or because he was so easy to get along with, I didn’t know, but I liked it a lot.

I couldn’t make myself go to sleep until Kane told me to shut off my phone for the night because he actually needed to go to bed. It didn’t help me not want to keep talking to him, but I could respect his boundaries, and…

I snorted.

Like hell was that a boundary. It was just him being responsible. But he was right. He needed to sleep, since he needed to get up in the morning, and I needed rest, too.

So after telling him good night a few times, I finally put my phone down and closed my eyes, only to see him in my dreams. Go figure.