Page 50 of It's Just You

“I think I need to explore some more, just to be sure I don’t freak out, you know? I mean, imagine me realizing I’m in bed with a man…” I probably should’ve been panicking, but I was too fascinated by him. His cock was partially hidden by something so generally feminine, and it suited him perfectly.

I felt the soft skin of his cock as I slid my hand beneath the fabric, and I tried to figure out just how unfamiliar it was. It was similar to holding my own erection in my hand, wasn’t it?

No, not really.

I had to admit, jacking off was mostly a way to relieve pressure, not something I did for sexual completion or because I got horny. This, though? Finn’s cock in my hand, his body half bare, with those small, dark nipples… This wasn’t my own body at all. This was the man I wanted so very much.

“Feel free to explore some more. I meant it when I said I’m all yours,” Finn finally said, his voice quiet but rough.

“Thank you,” I said, and I meant it. His explicit permission was what I needed to feel comfortable enough to slide my hand farther into his panties.

“Uh, you’re welcome?”

I chuckled. “Wrong choice of words, I guess. Sorry. I just… I’m grateful you’re doing this with me.”

“Well… We need to talk about who does what with whom, but maybe after all the blood in our brains hasn’t rushed to our cocks.”

“You just used what with whom in a sentence and claim your blood is all in your cock? I think your brain’s still there,” I replied.

“Kane?” Finn’s voice dropped even lower.

“Hmm?” I looked up at him.

“Shut up.” He smirked, then nodded to his hard cock. “Explore, and we’ll do things far more fun than talking grammar and blood flow.”

“I think you’re right.” I lay back again, resting my head on his shoulder. As nice as looking at him was, I wanted to feel him against my body while my hand roamed free.

Finn took the opportunity to kiss me again, something I could fully get behind. He took my mouth deeply, his tongue meeting mine even as I wrapped my hand around his cock again, over the slightly rough lace. I couldn’t focus on both things at the same time, so I broke off the kiss.

He answered with a moan, his own hand slowly touching me and leaving goosebumps behind. His fingers were warm and soft on my skin, and when he circled a nipple, I inhaled deeply, forgetting what I was doing for a moment.

When I got myself back under control, I slid my hand back under his panties and started to stroke him faster, encouraged by those breathless moans.

“Just like that, yes,” he groaned. He blinked up at me then added, “Is it okay if I come?”

I hesitated a moment, looking at him. What kind of question was that? I was touching him, stroking him. Why wouldn’t he? “Uh, why not?”

“Because…” Finn trailed off.

“Because it’s my first time with a guy?” I quirked a brow at him, slowing my stroking. “I won’t freak out, Finn. Okay? It’s not like I’ve never had cum on my hand before.” Though obviously, this would be the first time it wasn’t my own. “So long as it’s good for you, I’m okay. I keep tissues on hand,” I jested.

“Good, okay.” Finn’s answer was breathless. “If that changes, let me know.”

It was sweet, how much he cared about me, about making this right for me even as all of my attention was focused on him.

With that, I rested my head more firmly on his shoulder, starting again. Finn groaned, his cock growing even harder in my tight grasp.

“This isn’t gonna take long,” he warned, but I only kissed his shoulder and kept going.

After a few moments, he jerked, and warmth coated my hand. The smell of semen filled the air, and my own cock grew even harder. I wanted to come, too, wanted to feel Finn’s hands on my body, and I could almost imagine how it might feel.

Finn’s body went slack, and it took time for his breathing to even out. “Fuck.”

“Not yet. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet,” I teased him.

Finn groaned, then waved his hand in a mock shooing gesture. “How can you even speak.”

I shrugged. “Sorry?”