Page 48 of It's Just You



Finn kissedme like he meant it, like he was pouring all his passion into that one gesture. This wasn’t like the last time, that gentle, searching kiss, where he’d run away after. This time, he only kissed me harder.

He lay on top of me, his slender body on mine, and it felt like it was meant to be.

Normally, I would’ve been the one backing off before things got to this point, only going further if I really felt pressured. But with Finn, there was no pressure. There was only longing and desire for more.

He took over the kiss, making it clear he knew what he was doing more than I did when his tongue slipped past my lips and caressed mine. Then he drew back, letting me take over again, and it was my turn to taste him.

He was delicious, just as he’d been the first time we’d kissed, but it was so much better with the knowledge that the air was clear between us — and that he was atop me, his lithe body stretched out over mine.

My hands lightly grasped his hips, holding him to me, while I started to carefully explore. I touched his back first with a feather light touch, then his slender waist — then I got bolder, and I cupped his ass in my palm. His groin was pressing against mine, and to my surprise, I could feel my body reacting without me having to force it. Finn was growing hard, too, and it was confusing but so incredibly hot that it left me without words.

I wanted him so much, so much more than I’d ever wanted anyone, and it made my head spin. Was this what people felt like when they had a genuine attraction to each other? Hell, was it possible this was what most people felt like when they were just making out? I’d never experienced this level of intensity before.

I’d missed out on so much.

“I love kissing you,” Finn murmured before trailing his lips over my neck and collarbone. “You have a body to die for.”

Was there protocol here? I didn’t have anything beyond a muddled, “Thank you?”

“You’re very welcome.” Finn chuckled against my lips. “Can I go on?”

“Uh, yes?” I looked up at him, studying him. It was hard to focus with my body going into overdrive, but he was just so beautiful I didn’t regret it.

“Until it’s a hell yes, I’m not going to move on too much. Don’t worry.” Finn grinned down at me before kissing me until I couldn’t even breathe anymore, let alone give him some kind of answer.

When he finally let up, I rolled us over, putting myself on top. My larger body blanketed his, and I was able to take him in a kiss so deep and intense that his eyes remained closed when I lifted my head again.

“It’s been a hell yes from the moment I kissed you, Finn,” I admitted. I mirrored his earlier move, kissing his throat. He tasted like some sort of lotion, but it didn’t stop me from licking a long line across his skin. “But I don’t know if I’m ready to go all the way yet. Still, I guess once I want someone, I want them like everyone else, and it’s hard to think clearly.” Making my point, I moved my hips, pressing my hard-on against Finn’s.

It earned me a groan. “Fuck, be careful! This is—”

Of course, I did it again, just to hear that sound coming from his lips again. It felt so perfect that I just couldn’t help myself.

“You’re mean.” Despite his words, Finn pulled my head down again to kiss me. “One more thing, though. I need to tell you something else.”

Uh oh. That didn’t sound too promising.

“I’m… I like lace and silk. Underwear. Lingerie. I didn’t really expect to… you know, get this far, and I thought maybe I could tell you another day, but I figured you probably shouldn’t come across it by accident.” Finn’s eyes were so pleading, so vulnerable.

I stared at him, and my throat got tight. “You’re wearing… panties?”

“I’m sorry?” he started.

Before he could continue, I kissed him — kissed him deeply and rubbed my cock against his, where it felt like we were separated by too many layers of fabric. I knew what I’d find once my hands made their way beneath those tight jeans, and fuck, I needed to stop thinking about it, or I’d come without even being touched.

“Nothing to be sorry for,” I murmured against his lips. “I’ve never thought about a man in panties before, but it sounds hot. Can I touch you?” I kissed him again, just because I could, just to reassure him that I wasn’t going to run away.

“I’m all yours. Go on, and don’t be shy.” Finn shifted so he was stretched out on the bed, on his back and ready for me to explore. It was an invitation I couldn’t pass up. Rolling to my side, I came to rest next to him so I could see what I was doing. His shirt had moved up a bit, revealing pale skin and something sparkling. He had a belly button piercing. Wow.

Did he have more? Would I be able to find out? I leaned down, nosing against his stomach, making him laugh quietly, then carefully pushed his shirt up to reveal more of his skin. It was all paper-white, like he never went outside, almost like the color of pure innocence.

Right. Finn. Innocent.

Thinking really wasn’t my strong suit right now. All my blood had run to the smaller head beneath my waist.