Josie was in the spare room and she could hear the drawers opening and closing fast which meant Josie took fistfuls of her clothes and dumped them.

Nothing wrong with that. Josie was being a kid and she needed to do that at times.

She heard the little feet running back down the stairs and it made her feel good that Josie felt so at home here. Her mother had watched Josie when Colleen had been alive too. When Colleen needed a sitter in a pinch or the two women wanted a night away, her mother stepped up to be the grandmother that Josie never had in her life.

A mother to Colleen too when she needed it. Which wasn’t much because Colleen had always been headstrong and independent.

She turned when she heard footsteps coming into her bedroom. “What’s she doing?” she asked her mother. “I hope she’s quiet so as to not wake up, Grandma.”

“She’s in the living room trying to find some show on TV that she says I need to see,” her mother said.

“I can only imagine which one it is,” Avery said. “I thought I’d go get pizza tonight since I’m here early. You didn’t make dinner plans, did you, since you’ll be cooking tomorrow?”

“I didn’t,” her mother said. “Or nothing that needs to be cooked. Pizza sounds good though.”

She nodded. “I miss the pizza here. There is only one pizza place on our end of the island. It’s not bad but not like Enzo’s.”

“I suppose those are the things you start to get used to there. Everything else going okay? You looked a little stunned when Josie said she asked Carter to come.”

“I didn’t know she was going to do that,” she said. “I didn’t ask him and now I wonder what he might think of that.”

“Why didn’t you ask him?” her mother asked.

“Because I knew he had to work. Why make him feel bad? It’s not like he can walk away from his job.”

“That’s right,” her mother said. “So you shouldn’t worry about it.”

“You’re right. I’ll text him in a bit. Actually, I’ll do it now. He wanted me to let him know I got here safe.” She pulled her phone out of her back pocket, drafted her text and then deleted it and then typed it again before she hit send.

“Did you write a novel just now?” her mother asked, grinning at her.

“No,” she said, sighing. “I wasn’t sure what to say. In the end I said I was here and that I was sorry Josie put him on the spot asking him to come as I knew he had to work.”

“That’s fine,” her mother said. “I’m sure he understands.”

“I know he does,” she said.

“Then why are you bothered?”

“No clue,” she said.

“I think you are already falling in love with him, aren’t you?”

“You aren’t supposed to guess that,” she said.

“A mother knows when their child is happy. I can see it in your eyes.”

“I am,” she said. “So very happy. I stressed and worried about this move and then I start to feel guilty on top of it that maybe it wasn’t best for Josie.”

“Oh,” her mother said. “I get the feeling she is as in love with Carter as you are.”

Avery laughed. “You might be right.” She debated a minute and then said, “Melody at work told me that Josie is always asking about her husband and what they do as a couple and saying that I shouldn’t be alone. Melody said Josie talks about Seth all the time. Adele’s father.”

“I know who Seth is,” her mother said. “Josie brings him up with me when we talk too.”

“Why are you only telling me now?” she asked.

“Because I figured you knew. I didn’t think there was anything Josie was telling me that she wasn’t telling you too.”