She’d put Betty in her crate right before Carter came so that she could introduce them slowly again. Not that she thought it’d be an issue, but better safe than sorry.

Which was what her life seemed to be turning into.

Playing it safe so she wasn’t sorry.


Dilute The News

“You look nice,” Carter said to her two weeks later.

Avery was trying to figure out how she let herself be talked into going to Bode Bond and Sam’s wedding. She would have figured two weeks before wasn’t enough time to change his RSVP, but she’d been told, nope, not in the Bond family.

Laine had told her all about The Retreat and she was going to experience it firsthand after two months of living on the island.

“You think I look nice,” she said. “Wow, you take my breath away.”

He blushed and she found herself laughing that she’d embarrassed him.

“I do clean up well. Or so I’ve been told,” he said drily.

Her hand went out, her fingers running down the black and silver tie he had on. His shirt was gray, his suit was black, the same as his shoes. He’d keep it simple, she knew that about him.

“I can tell you are about as uncomfortable in your fancy attire as I am in mine,” she said.

His hand went to her ass and he pulled her close, then kissed her. “But this dress does look mighty nice on you.”

She didn’t own a lot of dresses and if she was going to rub elbows with the heirs to the founders of this island she wanted to make sure she looked the part as a business owner that would do them proud.

She’d gone to Boston last Saturday with Josie and they shopped together. She let Josie show her some of the things she liked in toys and clothing and then bought her a few things, but for the rest she took notes and ordered some to put away for Christmas.

She knew she had to start now. Thanksgiving was next week and then Christmas would be here before she knew it. She wanted to make sure Josie had a great holiday on the island.

“I was lucky to find it,” Avery said. She’d gotten new shoes and sexy undergarments too.

“Josie get off okay?” he asked. She’d picked up her purse and her jacket and was going to lock up.

“She did. She is excited to be staying at Laine’s. Both her and Betty.”

“You get to see my house,” he said. “Not that it’s anything special.”

“Please,” she said. “You own it. I’m renting.”

“True,” he said.

They got to his SUV to drive the twenty minutes to the south end of the island where The Retreat was located.

“Everyone knows you’re dating me, right?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. “It gets around the family fairly fast. More so since you met Hailey.”

She laughed. She’d heard about that and how there was always one couple on the hot seat beside the bride and groom. Carter told her it’d be his cousin Duke this time, as most of the family had yet to meet Hadley who Duke had been dating for several months.

At least it took the pressure off of her.

“How many people are going to come talk to us?” she asked, her hand going to his thigh.

She was smirking when she said it. “Pretty much everyone that is a family member,” he said. “It will travel fast. They will probably loop around. Before the bride and groom show up, Duke will get it and then they will come to me.”