She was coming from a state of the art facility to one that still had paper records.

That would be changing fast. She also had all sorts of equipment ordered for the operating room. Everything she’d need to care for animals on the island the best she could.

It was more money on her loan for the practice, but she couldn’t do this without having those things.

She walked around back to enter that way and saw a truck there and frowned. There shouldn’t be anyone here.

She used her key to unlock the door but saw that it was already unlocked.

She pushed it open, “Hello,” she called out.

A man popped his head out of one of the rooms. “Can I help you?”

“I’m Dr. Avery Keegan. This is my practice now. Who are you?”

“Carter Bond,” he said, moving forward. He was tall with dark hair and piercing eyes. He moved slowly but with a purpose, his hand out. “I’m one of the people putting some time in to spruce the place up. You’re early.”

“Yeah,” she said after she rolled her tongue back in her mouth. She knew from Laine that Carter was the one that pushed for this, but she didn’t expect him to look likethis.

Why hadn’t her friend told her that?

He was tall and in good shape, cargo shorts on that hit his knees, a navy fitted T-shirt that showed some pretty nice biceps on top of it. Maybe he worked for Bond Construction because he looked like he could do about anything put in his way.

“Do you want me to show you around?” Carter asked.

“If you don’t mind.”

“That dog is huge,” Josie said.

She turned her head and saw a massive St. Bernard standing up and moving toward them.

“Dopey is harmless,” he said. “If Doc were here, then you might get a bit more slobber on you, but she’s home napping. Puppy energy.”

“You’ve got a female named Doc?” Avery asked, grinning.

“Women can be doctors too,” he said, lifting an eyebrow at her.

“It’s the seven dwarfs,” Josie said. “But this dog is huge. Is Doc this big?”

“Not yet,” Carter said, smirking. “But, being another St. Bernard, I’m sure she’ll be there soon. What’s your name?”

She felt like an idiot not introducing them, but Josie was outgoing and friendly. “I’m Josie. Can I pet Dopey?”

“You can. He’ll keep an eye on you if you want while I show your mother around.”

“My mom died, but I live with Avery now,” Josie said. She said it quietly and then turned away to play with the dog.

She’d seen the stricken look on Carter’s face and felt horrible. “Why don’t you show me around,” she said.


Very Appreciative

“Sorry,” Carter said when he and Avery were at the front of the building.

“About what?” Avery asked.

He never said much because he hated to put his foot in his mouth, but he did when he assumed Josie was Avery’s daughter.