“She said you didn’t know,” Grayson said. “Did you know she even called me since you gave her my name and number?”
The server came over and he nodded his head to get the same beer his brother had. They were at a high-backed table and a menu was put down. He glanced at it to see what he was in the mood for and realized he’d rather pick at food instead of having a meal.
“No,” Carter said. “Her money is her business. I know she’s got a settlement from Colleen’s death that she needed to do something with. I didn’t want to pressure her to put it with family.”
“Never you,” Grayson said. “You don’t pressure anyone, which is why you’re here with me rather than her.”
“Josie doesn’t know about me,” he said. “I mean she does, but not as Avery’s boyfriend.”
Grayson laughed and picked up his beer. “Ha, that was easier than I thought to get you to admit you had a girlfriend.”
“Ass,” he said to his brother. He shouldn’t have been surprised that was what it was about.
“You know how much she brought me, don’t you?” Grayson asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“I do,” he said. “I was surprised she told me.”
“I’m glad Rex was there,” Grayson said. “To meet her and sit down. That kind of money needs to be reported to move around. A new client worth that much, Rex would have to meet and assure them their money was in good hands. A heads up would have been nice.”
“Not my place,” he said. His beer was brought over. “Can we get an order of wings and nachos?”
“Sure,” the server said. “Anything else?” She was looking at Grayson this time like she thought he’d eat all that himself.
“We’ll start with that,” Grayson said. “Thanks.”
“Anyway,” Carter said. “Maybe she was only going to give you a few thousand to start.”
Grayson laughed. “She’s giving it all to our firm. She’s got a lot of reading to do and I need to work up one hell of a portfolio of diversification of funds for her too.”
“All I hear is Charlie Brown’s teacher talking in my ear,” he said, picking up his beer and taking a drink. He trusted his brother and took his advice and his brother had done him well with his money.
Carter might be a grease monkey in some people’s eyes, but he had plenty of money put away in investments, not to mention in his savings.
His business was thriving and he’d work twice as hard to make it continue.
There were people on this island that depended on him and he’d do his part. Not just for his employees that needed the jobs but for the residents that needed his services.
“Glad it’s working out,” he said. “As long as she is happy, that is all that matters.”
“Are you?” Grayson asked.
His eyes shifted over to his brother. “What indication have I given you that I’m not?”
“That fact you’re here and not with her,” Grayson said.
“Give it a rest,” he said. “We are working it out our way. Avery has to make those decisions, not me. When she is ready to let Josie know I’m more than a guy with two dogs that comes into the clinic, then I’ll be happy to go along with it.”
He’d like to take that step now but understood her reasoning too.
It’d been over two months at this point. Or close to it. He’d never been one to count days and for some reason he’d been doing that.
A few hours a week to see each other didn’t seem like a lot, but they did talk or text daily.
He didn’t need someone demanding all his free time since he didn’t have much and she didn’t either.
It was working for them and he had to keep reminding himself of that.
“Egan and Ethan just walked in,” Grayson said, waving his hand.