“For obvious reasons,” Rex said, reaching for the papers. Grayson was punching keys into his keyboard and she was assuming he was looking up investments to print her as things were going off in the printer too.

“I’m printing out forms right now for you to sign to transfer this money into our holding account when you’re ready and then we’ll move it into investments. My first recommendation is to diversify. Not only stocks and mutual funds, but also CD’s, maybe bonds. Spread it out. Keep some liquid and we’ve got high yield savings for that too. Or are you looking for a quick turnaround?”

“No,” she said. “I know how the market works. I’m looking to be responsible. Carter laughed and said that you’d brag you could double it for me by the time Josie was eighteen.”

“Oh, I could do that,” Grayson said. “Faster if you were risky, but you don’t come across that way.”

“No,” she said. “We can be a little risky with some of it.”

“Due to the nature of this amount and the situation,” Rex said. “I think you should retain an attorney prior. That is your choice. We can go through your current attorney if you want. You can retain one on the island that will talk with yours. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible with Josie’s money and us.”

“Carter mentioned that Hailey does all the legal things for the family businesses. I’m going to assume that is all she does and not available for this?”

She figured she might as well ask and see what her chances were.

“Probably not,” Rex said. “But since it is such a large sum and I’m married to her, I’d like to separate my wife from this. Someone else in her firm can represent you easily and she could refer another attorney to you if you’d like. There is one full-time attorney on the island, Dominic Black. He’s been with Hailey for years. There are a few that come over part time for island work as needed. Many could and would work. If you are interested, Hailey is on the island and could talk with you today or at any point. No pressure.”

“You know what?” she said. “It’s so hard for me to find time for things, if Hailey is available and doesn’t mind talking and giving me a name, it will work out. I really should have done something about this money before now.”

“It’s never too late,” Rex said, standing up. “I’ll give her a call but until then, you’re in good hands with Grayson.”

Rex left the office to call his wife and she turned to Grayson. “You’ve got papers for me to sign?”

“Lots of papers,” he said. “I’ll need your ID too if you’ve got it and I’ll take a copy of it.”

She pulled her license out of her wallet and handed it over, then accepted the papers from Grayson at the same time he gave her a laptop. “What’s this?”

“The papers are your copies to read, but the forms will be filled out on the computer, then you can sign on the pad. It’s much easier. I’ll print your copies and once you’ve got your account set up with us you’ll be able to access everything you’ve filled out electronically too.”

“This is easier than I thought it’d be,” she said.

“The harder part is understanding where the money should go and making those decisions. But that is more information I’ll give you too.”

An hour later, she left Grayson’s office and her head was spinning.

The last thing she expected was that Hailey Bond would be so funny and entertaining. She left feeling very confident about talking to an attorney out of the Boston office that could get started right away. That Dominic was in the middle of a few things and would take some weeks before he could get to her.

She didn’t want to hold Grayson up though he said it was fine. She liked that they were dotting all their i’s and crossing their t’s too.

She arrived at Laine’s to get Josie who was there with Adele taking a kid’s pottery craft day.

It was Halloween themed, which was only eight days away.

“Avery,” Josie yelled. “Look at my pumpkin.”

“That’s very good,” she said of what Josie was forming. “Yours looks great too, Adele.”

“Not as nice as Josie’s, but she helped me so it looks better. That’s what friends do,” Adele said as the two girls giggled.

Five other kids were making different things too. “Do they get to take them home today?” she asked Laine.

“No. They are almost done and need to put their names on the bottom, then I’m going to put them all in the kiln. Next Saturday those that want to come back and paint them here can and they will need to dry over the weekend. Or the parents can pick them up by Thursday and paint them at home with instructions. I’m open to either.”

“We are coming back,” Josie said. “Right, Adele?”

“I guess that is answer enough,” she said. “I’ll verify with Ava when I bring Adele home.”

“Adele asked me to go trick-or-treating with her on Monday night,” Josie said. “Her Dad is taking her around their neighborhood. Can I go, please?”