“Sure,” his mother said. “Give me more work.”

“I’ll do it,” Grayson said. “But someone has to schedule the rentals.”

“It’s not that hard,” Carter said.

“No,” his mother said. “We’ll work it out. I think it’s a great idea, but that is for you and your brother to decide.”

“Let me think about it,” he said.

“I’m putting a time limit on it,” Grayson said. “It takes you forever to make a decision. If you don’t want to do it, I will. I figured you could get the cars cheaper and know what is a good deal.”

“I can and will,” he said.

“One week,” Grayson said. “Think of it and get back to me next Sunday.”

“What’s your rush?” he asked.

“Just what I said. You think things to death. I move faster. I think it’s a good investment and you’ve got the space to store the cars too. It’s not like I do, so that would make it harder for me.”

The whole thing had merit.

“Let me know,” Natalie said. “I can get the word out at The Retreat and they will be thrilled to pass it along as a service to provide. Either picking the car up or returning it for the guests.”

“See,” Grayson said. “It’s perfect.”

“Joe,” his mother said to his father. “Why don’t you go light the grill and I’ll get the burgers started. The salads are done. We’ve hammered Carter enough today. Natalie, what is going on with you?”

“Nothing,” his sister said. “There never is. Unlike my oldest brother who never talks and yet is the talk of the island.”

Carter all but growled under his breath with that comment. He’d have to let Avery know in case. The last thing he wanted was for her to get bent over this when he was hoping to move forward with her.

Unlike his brother stated, he wasn’t slow abouteverythingin his life.


Had Other Ideas

The following week, Carter knocked on her door around three.

“I’m glad you could come over,” Avery said.

“Me too,” he said, bending down to pet Betty who’d rushed him at the door. “Not sure how this worked out.”

“I can’t believe Ava and Seth wanted Josie overnight. More so since she’s having the baby next week.”

Ava was due next week and was going to get induced on her due date if she didn’t go into labor on her own.

Seth assured her that they’d call if that happened, but they weren’t expecting it and this would let Adele have a friend for the night before the baby came.

She said she’d take Adele for them after the baby was born to give them a break too. In her eyes it was a win to keep Josie entertained on the weekends.

Not that she felt like Josie had to be entertained all that much though.

“Ava can do just about anything,” he said. “And it works in our favor.”

They’d had two more dates this week. Monday and Thursday while Josie was at art class. They texted or talked at least once a day.

Last Sunday Carter had called her when Josie was in bed to say what happened at his parents’ house that day. She’d told him what she’d said to Seth and Ava.