“Kissing,” she said, her face flushing adorably. “The other has to wait. First, for more time. Second, because well, I don’t jump that fast.”

“Understood,” he said, yanking her forward quicker than he’d ever done another woman before. “Take your time, but until then, I’ll take some more of this.”


Giving Her Outlets

“How did it go?” Laine asked her when she walked into her studio to get Josie shortly after Carter left her house.

It was the first time in a year she’d wished she could have put all the responsibility in her life aside and focus on what she was feeling.

But she couldn’t do that and wasn’t sure she’d be able to ever again. At least it might feel that way.

She looked over at Josie who was still painting and not paying too much attention. She smiled, gave a big thumbs up and a little shoulder wiggle. “Great.”

“I need details,” Laine said.

“Later,” she whispered.

“Avery,” Josie said, “come look at my painting. It’s not done, but I wanted to finish this part before I come back next week.”

Josie was working on a large canvas. Much bigger than anything at her house. She’d have to find out what supplies she should get for Josie.

“That’s beautiful,” she said. “What’s it going to be?”

“The clinic,” Josie said. “Right now I’ve got the sky and the grounds. I have to build it in layers, Laine said.”

The more she looked at it she could see the grass and parking lot, some trees in the back and the land to the side. Land that could have a kennel on it at some point too. For now there was an older garage she’d love to be able to use for an operating and recovery room, maybe storage. Anything. But it wasn’t in good enough shape and couldn’t be locked up well either. Things for the future if she decided to stay in that location.

“That looks great,” she said.

“Josie,” Laine said. “Why don’t you go clean your brushes and pick up and I’ll keep Avery company.”

Josie grabbed her brushes and went to a back room where the sinks were, Avery looking at her friend. “I’ll text you when Josie is settled into bed. If you’re available we can talk.”

“I’ll make myself available,” Laine said.

“Until then, tell me how Josie is doing.”

Laine reached her hand out. “You can see for yourself. She’s shining. I don’t do much more than explain a few things right now. She needs to do what feels right for her. I want her to show me what she has. The first few lessons we did quick things she could get done in the two hours. This time I asked her what she wanted to do for a big painting and she said the clinic.”

“Did you ask her why?” she asked.

“No. I figured that was a conversation you two could have. But I explained she should layer the colors and the portions of the painting. She did the background first, the trees and the sky. Then the front of the property that she was finishing when you came in.”

“She didn’t bring her iPad. She doesn’t have a picture of it,” she said.

“She’s doing it from her mind. That’s better,” Laine said. “It’s about feelings and emotions right now. Just remember one thing. Through all your doubts and worries, you are giving her outlets to express herself. You’re doing everything right.”

Avery’s eyes filled with some tears. “It doesn’t always feel that way.”

Especially with the guilt of spending some time with a man tonight. One she hadn’t been able to get out of her mind since she first met him over a month ago.

His dark hair was slightly messy as if he barely combed it more than with his fingers in the morning. Maybe even struggled to find time to get it cut.

His eyes were equally dark, but they not only looked at you but through you. Like he was trying to read what was in her mind yet struggled to make it out.

That was fine with her because she wasn’t so sure she wanted him to know all her thoughts when she wasn’t sure of them herself.