“Talk about a small world. She’s a doctor and having a baby soon?” she asked.

“Yes. Ava Mills. She’s due soon. She lives on the island. Not a first cousin. I lose track of it all at times. Seth’s a good guy. He’s the president of the largest bank on the island. There are a lot of branches, but he’s based closer to the north end. I’m sure you’d want to know those things for Josie.”

“Not what he does or anything, just how they are as people,” she said.

He liked that she didn’t judge a person by their job.

“He’s a class act. His wife died in childbirth. He moved here to start over too after a while. Adele was accepted into our family as one of ours from what I heard. I don’t see them much unless they need something in the garage.”

Both of them drove luxury cars and would come in for the basic things or bring their cars to the mainland for work. He did see Seth once in a while if he had to go to the bank, but his mother dealt with most of that.

The only other times he saw them was at a family wedding, which seemed to be nonstop lately.

“It’s good to know,” she said. “I’m sure Josie will be asking for a play date at some point.”

“You can tell them you know me,” he said. “If you want. If you want this quiet, that is fine too.”

She grinned at him. “I’m not worried about people knowing we are here today. It’s quickly turning into people recognizing me and they know you too. I’ve caught several eyes on us already in the ten minutes we’ve sat here.”

He turned and looked around. “To be expected. If it’s someone that is a friend or family, they will come to say hi to me. Otherwise, expect the gossip. My cousin Alex mentioned that someone saw us together a few weeks ago.”

“Oh,” she said.

He shrugged. “Nothing major. Just busting my ass over being on a date. I told him it was a thank you dinner.”

She laughed. “It was a date in my eyes.”

“I guess I was hoping it was in mine too,” he said.

They finished with their dinner and went back to her place. She still had forty minutes at this point before Josie’s lesson was done.

“Do you want a coffee or something? Or do you need to go? I need to leave in thirty minutes to get Josie. I try to get there a few minutes early so that I can see what she did. She’s so excited about it all. I’m glad it’s working out.”

“Gives us some time for this,” he said. He moved closer to her, she held her ground. One of them had to make the first move.

As slow as he was at times, he wasn’t dragging this out. He needed to know what she tasted like and the fact she’d been on this island almost a month at this point and he’d been thinking of this moment was fueling him to put it in gear more than ever before in his life.

“It does,” she said, her arms going up and around his neck. He dipped his head down, his lips touching hers softly.

It was slow because it seemed everything he did was that way.

She didn’t want it to be though.

Her mouth opened under his, his tongue slid in, the two of them tasting each other.

He could have stood there for days making out like a teen, but they heard some barking and she jumped back.

“Oh my God. I’m horrible. How could I have forgotten about Betty?”

She ran to get the dog out of the crate and then let the puppy out to do her business, him following to watch on the deck.

When the white fur ball was done, she got her treats and was playing with a ball.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “No harm done. I’d like to think you had something else on your mind.”

“Yeah,” she said. “You and what we just did. Maybe we can do a bit more before I’ve got to get Josie.”

He lifted his eyebrows at her. He wasn’t so sure what she meant by that. “You might need to explain that more.”