“I’m sure Betty still needs lots of naps,” he said.

“She does. I’m glad they are getting along though. Maybe we can do this again?”

She figured she could throw it out there and get a feel for things without Josie interfering.

“I’d like that if you want to,” he said. “I know your life is probably a little nuts right now.”

“I think it’s been nuts for a year and isn’t going to stop, but I should have a little bit of time for me. It seems to me Josie likes you a lot. That has to be part of it.”

“Understood,” he said. “She’s a great kid.”

“She is. Last weekend was the one-year anniversary of Colleen’s death. Saturday was a rough one. I was thankful Laine came over without me asking. I thought I passed you when we were coming back from the beach where we placed flowers in the water.”

“You did,” he asked. “You didn’t wave and looked...sad.”

“I was,” she said. “It’s not easy, but we are getting there.” Josie was giggling loudly.

“Looks it to me.”

“Do you have two vehicles or am I losing my mind?”

“I do. I’ve got a truck for when I don’t have the dogs with me or only one dog. The SUV when I’ve got one or both. Depends on what I’m doing or need at the time.”

“Got it,” she said. “Working at the clinic you had the truck. But the other times you had the SUV.”

“Yes,” he said.

“Carter,” Josie said, running up to them. “We are grilling steaks because my friend Liam said men like beef. Do you like beef?”

Avery burst out laughing at the confused look on his face. “Sure,” he said. “I’m not a fussy eater.”

“Good,” Josie said. “And I made you brownies too because I like brownie sundaes. Do you like them?”

She saw him smile and it warmed her heart. “I do like brownies and ice cream. Did you make them yourself?”

“I did. You’re the first guest here other than Laine and I didn’t know she was coming, but my mom was a great hostess and I’m going to be one too.”

Josie took off running after that. “That’s sweet,” he said.

“I think she might have a little crush on you.”

“Not sure what to say to that. I’d rather you did,” he said.

“You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” she said, grinning at him. He flushed a little and she figured that was more promising than anything else.

The night went by fast and Josie never left the two of them alone. Not that she expected that to happen.

They barely got their few words in about crushes before Josie entertained them the rest of the night.

Josie was taking care of Betty while Avery walked Carter outside with his dogs.

“Thanks for dinner,” he said. “It was nice.”

“It was,” she said. “I would like to have you over again if you want.”

His hand reached out and touched hers. She figured he wouldn’t do much more than that. “I would like that. And if you ever have time alone and will let me take you to dinner, I’d like that too.”

“School starts this week. It will be a little hectic. But Josie has art lessons on Thursday for two hours. There will be a kids group starting on Monday nights in two weeks for ninety minutes too.”