“I’m sorry she put you on the spot like that. I’m sure you’ve got plans.”

He grinned. “No plans.”

“If you don’t have plans and you don’t mind, then I’d love to have you—and Dopey and Doc—stop over. Maybe I can cook dinner?”

There was no way he was going to say no. “I can do that,” he said. “Just give me a time.”

“Why don’t we say four? This way if you get held up here you won’t feel rushed. I bet you’re like me and won’t close the doors because it’s closing time.”

“No,” he said. “I won’t. I’ll see you at four.”

He handed her credit card back to her, she signed the receipt and he watched her walk away.

It sounded like a date to him. One with four chaperones. Three dogs and a kid.

He’d take it.


Silly Things

There was no way Avery was letting the opportunity go that presented itself this morning.

What she felt bad about was that Josie thought she was in trouble and she had to tell the little girl she didn’t do anything wrong, but that in the future she did have to check to make sure no one was put on the spot.

Which of course led to the conversation of what that meant.

This parenting thing was harder than she’d thought it’d be.

“Do you think Carter likes steak or chicken?” Josie asked. She’d told Josie she could pick out their dinner tonight before they knew they’d have a guest.

“I’m sure he’s not fussy,” she said.

“Don’t men like beef?” Josie asked.

She laughed at the way it was said. “Where did you hear that?”

“In school last year, Liam told everyone that men like beef. It’s what real men eat. But I don’t know because I don’t know any men.”

Why hadn’t she thought of that? That the only man that was ever around Josie was Kurt and even then it wasn’t much.

Once she got custody of Josie, she didn’t have a lot of time for Kurt. She wasn’t going to pawn Josie off on her mother so she could go out all the time. Not that she and Kurt did.

But he refused to stay at her house often, and again, she wasn’t going to spend the night at Kurt’s either.

Colleen had rarely dated, and when she did, she didn’t bring the men around Josie.

“Not all men are alike,” Avery said. “Why don’t you pick what you want to eat and I’m sure Carter will be fine with it.”

“Let’s do steak just in case,” Josie said, nodding her head like an expert. “I like him and I don’t want him to think we aren’t good hosts.”

Oh my God. This was hilarious and she wished that her best friend was indeed looking down on them to see the silly things that Josie was saying.

“Your mother was always a great hostess,” she said.

“She was. And she set the table pretty for parties and when people visited. She made yummy foods and desserts. Are you going to make dessert for Carter?”

She hadn’t thought of that. But Josie was in a good mood and she was too, knowing she had a guy coming over. Even though they wouldn’t be alone and it’s not like they could do much. Not even talk the way two adults might.