“Hi, Mom.”

“Avery. How is the new puppy doing?”

She’d texted or talked to her mother daily since she’d been here. Her mother knew everything going on in her life.

“She’s doing well. I’ll send you a little video later that I took with Josie and Betty playing in the living room before dinner.”

“How is the weather on the island? Josie loving it?”

“She is. We both are. It’s warm but with a nice breeze. Right now we are on the deck. Betty is playing with a toy and Josie is drawing her one hundredth picture of her new puppy.”

“It’s only ten,” Josie said, giggling.

“Oh, I’m sorry, just ten.”

“Tell Josie I’d love to have one of them,” her mother said.

“Josie, my mother would love a picture of Betty sent to her. Can you draw one for her?”

“Yes, Dee,” Josie yelled.

“I’m sure you heard that,” she said. “The neighbors probably did too.”

“It wasn’t that loud,” her mother said. “How is island life treating you?”

“It’s great. Kind of a slow pace but not too slow. I opened early and am slammed. I mean I’ve got room for more appointments this week but didn’t expect what I got. Considering I’m still setting the business up I’m running like nuts.”

“I’m so happy it’s working out as well as it is. And Laine? Have you had a chance to spend some time with her?”

“I’m lucky I can spend some time with myself,” she said, laughing. “But Laine did stop over to visit the Saturday we moved here. I’m bringing Josie to some private art lessons on Thursday night.”

“I’m so excited, Dee,” Josie yelled again.

“You’re doing such a good job, Avery,” her mother said. “If I haven’t said it before I’ll say it now, I’m so proud of you.”

“You’ve said it a lot in my life,” she said.

“Colleen would be thrilled. And happy. You know that.”

“I do,” she said. “I want to do her proud.”

“You are.”

“How is Grandma doing?”

“The same,” her mother said.

“Are you getting a break or any rest?” she asked.

Her mother cared for her grandmother nonstop.

“I do have an aide come in twice a week now. It’s getting harder for me to bathe Grandma and it’s a nice break for me to run errands.”

“I’m glad.”

Her grandmother couldn’t be left alone so it did give her mother some time and space.

“Me too. I’d love to come visit, but we know that isn’t possible right now.”