Thankfully his father and Uncle Bill took jobs when he had a lot of overflow. Which was often. Many didn’t mind going to his uncle’s house for the work and he didn’t feel like he couldn’t service someone or didn’t want their business.

There were only so many hours in the day and it always came back to trying to help someone out, no matter who did the work.

That had been drilled into his head from when he knew he’d be the one to take over the family business.

There was no walking away at the end of the day. He’d known that and was happy he had a successful career even if many looked down on it.


Getting There

“Oh, you’ve got a puppy,” Kendall said.

Avery smiled when she and Josie came in Monday morning. Josie was carrying the barely four-pound dog in her arms.

“This is Betty,” Josie said. “We got her on Saturday. Isn’t she so cute?”

Josie put Betty down on the floor and the puppy was hopping around and going to check out Kendall. “She’s very cute.”

“Can you keep an eye on the two of them while I go get the crate I picked up to keep here?”

She’d bought everything off of Ester and Connie so that Betty had things she was familiar with and then she only had to buy another crate to leave in her office.

“I’d love to,” Kendall said.

Avery went back to her SUV, got the crate and brought it in to set up in her office, then grabbed her bag full of lunch and snacks and drinks. She had a fridge being delivered for the little break room along with a big water jug that would be replaced when low. With the fridge were a microwave and toaster oven too.

She wanted her staff to feel like they could break away to eat or not sit at the desk. She also wanted to eat more than sandwiches herself and have things for Josie here too.

She was almost tempted to get a TV mounted on the wall for Josie but then decided against that. No reason Josie needed to watch TV here. She’d be starting school in a few weeks and then she’d have work to do and only be here a few hours at the end of the day anyway.

She would put a TV in the waiting room though. No reason not to for people waiting. Not that she wanted people to wait long, but she was filling up with appointments faster than she thought possible on this island.

Once she had everything in her office, she went back to where Josie and Kendall were and noticed Melody had come in and was playing with the puppy too.

“I’ve got you set up in my office, Josie. Let’s go show Betty her new bed, but we’ll let her out first. Remember, when Betty wakes up from her nap, what do you do?”

“I let her out of the crate and put her harness on her and bring her to the backyard to go to the bathroom.”

“And where do you stay for that?”

“Right by the door where someone can see me,” Josie said. “Or I have to come get you.”

“That’s right,” she said.

“Josie can get me,” Melody said.

“Or me,” Kendall said.

“Thank you both so much.”

She wouldn’t ask them to care for her dog too but was glad they were willing.

She went outside with Betty and Josie, let the dog do her business and then got Josie settled in for the morning.

There were still about twenty minutes left before her first appointment of the day too.

Kendall was looking around when she got back. “Can we ask you something?”