“My mother does my books. It was my father’s business and she did it for him. I took it over and she continued. This is your supply room and all the meds are in here too. It’s locked for obvious reasons. The room next door is where Dr. Mullins kept the dogs that were sick or he was monitoring, which was only for the day since he didn’t stay overnight.”

She looked around. “So most surgeries were done off the island then,” she said as if she was talking to herself. “It’s not stocked as much as I would like, but I’ll get here tomorrow and work on that. And since I know you are donating your time and it’s probably limited and Dr. Mullins will be here in two days to see patients, I should let you get to work and get those sinks in.”

“He only needs one sink in,” he said. “I can do that fast enough, but I’ll get them all in. Dr. Mullins never used the other two rooms.”

“Oh,” she said. “I hope to use them all. There are plenty of things a tech can do that I don’t need to.”

He nodded his head. “I’m glad you’re here and I hope you find the island as wonderful as many others.”

They got to the back where Josie was sitting on the floor and Dopey had his head in her lap. The little girl had been so quiet—just like his dog—that he’d forgotten she was here.

“I think we will find it’s a great place to live, right, Josie?”

“Can we get a dog, Avery? Look at Dopey. He’s so sad.”

Carter grinned. He couldn’t help it. “That’s his happy face,” he said.

“Really?” Josie asked. “What’s his sad face look like?”

He scratched his head again, then stopped himself. He did that a lot for no reason. “Let’s see if I can show you.” He walked over to where there were treats in a jar for the patients. He didn’t think anyone would care he was taking a few. He pulled one out. “Treat, Dopey?”

The massive dog stood up, opened his mouth and barked. “He’s smiling,” Josie said, jumping up now that Dopey wasn’t resting on her lap.

“He smiles when he gets food.” He handed the treat over. Dopey ate it fast, then barked for another one. “All gone,” he said. “See his sad eyes now that he knows he’s not getting anymore?”

Avery laughed and Josie giggled. “That’s very cute,” Avery said. She walked over and pet Dopey on the head and then got down on one knee. “You’re a beautiful dog. Your owner takes very good care of you. Anyone can see that.”

He flushed again and didn’t know why. “Man’s best friend,” Josie said. “Right, Avery? You take care of your best friends. Just like Avery takes care of me for my mom.”

Shit, if that wasn’t one of the saddest things he’d ever heard, but the little girl went to Avery and hugged her waist.

“That’s right, sweetie. Two peas in a pod making it work,” she said.

“About that dog?” Josie asked, lifting her head. Her eyes were fluttering and he figured this little girl had the sexy vet’s number.

Avery laughed. “I think a dog would be great. Can you give us some time to get settled and then we can figure out the best kind that works for us?”

“Yay,” Josie said, doing a fist pump. “Can I name it?”

“Sure,” she said. “And you’ll have responsibilities too. It’s not just a toy to cuddle with.”

“I know,” Josie said. “But I want a puppy on my bed too.”

Carter looked at Avery and saw the roll of her eyes. “I suppose I should figure out if there are breeders on this island or anyone who is having puppies. My guess is a big fat no.”

“Someone’s dog is always getting into trouble,” he said. “If you don’t care the breed you get.”

“I’ll figure it out. Mixed breeds and full breeds have their pros and cons. As I’m sure you know.”

He did. He’d searched far and wide to find Dopey and had to drive to Virginia to get him. He went back to the same breeder for Doc too.

“Not as much as you by any means,” he said.

He looked over and saw Josie start to yawn.

“Are you ready to go, Josie? I know it’s been a long day,” Avery said. “We arrived early this morning, unpacked, ate, got groceries and have been running nonstop.”

“Your first night on the Amore Island,” he said. “Hope it’s a peaceful one.”