Page 51 of Jump

“I’m not gonna lie…” Reticent, he peeks up from beneath his lashes. “I kinda like that they think you’re a bore. Because I know what’s beneath the surface. A man’s just gotta trip your temper first.” His lips curl into a salacious grin. “Once he gets past the standard greetings and polite small talk, there’s fire. And if I’m the only one who knows about the fire…”

“You’re a firefighter,” I retort, though I honestly couldn’t say why. “You destroy fire.”

“Nah. I’m a smokejumper. Which means I jump right into the belly of the dragon and dance with her for a bit.” He drags his bottom lip between his teeth so the movement draws my eyes.

Do I want him to kiss me?


Will I regret it later?


Do I initiate contact or ask him to come closer?

No chance.

If Matteo Ruiz wants to dance with me, he’s going to have to make the first move. Dead girlfriend aside, I’m not forward enough to put myself on the line like that.

Which is precisely why I’m perpetually single.

“How’d you like the new story?” Like he knows I need a change of subject, he reaches across the counter and snags both paperbacks. Sliding them toward us, he picks up the copy he gave me and smiles at the back cover. “Espionage. International waters. A gun trade and, like always, a political leaning that kinda proves we’re all fucked anyway.” His devilish smirk is enough to make my stomach whoosh. “That’s coming from a guy who works for politicians.”

“I solved this one, too.” I extend my hand and take the book from him.

Our fingers touch. It’s unintentional, but the sizzling that rockets through my blood burns in the best way anyway.

“Um… Th-that chick,” I stammer. “She was sleeping with her husband’s boss. The second I met her and she was a little touchy-feely with the boss—albeit, innocently enough on the surface—I knew she was trouble. So I kept an eye on her. From there, it was easy to watch everything unravel.”

“You think you’re pretty clever, huh?” His smiling eyes focus on my hands. On his book. “I didn’t see it was her till the end.”

“That’s because you think all women are innocent and need to be protected. To your own detriment,” I tease, “you think women are weak and need big, strong men to shield them. No way could she be responsible for an entire city’s downfall.”

“No,” he protests, though there’s no menace in his word. “I don’t think women are weak.”

“Just damsels, then?” I lift a single, challenging brow. “You work with women, not only in your truck, but with the EMTs who come on site. The doctors at the hospital. Even the cops running a case. So you’ve seen they can be strong. But you still think they must be protected?”

“Um… So fucking sue me?” He coughs out a confused laugh. “That Matteo Ruiz, what a dog, man. How dare he do the right thing and help others.”

“You’re dramatizing,” I giggle.

Setting the book down and placing my hands on top, I purse my lips and enjoy the way his eyes dance. “How many times have you stepped in front of Officer Tate on the job when she’s trying to arrest a guy who might be a little bigger than her?” I demand.

“That last one would have decked her!”

“Uh-huh. And the nurses dealing with a rowdy patient? Do you let them handle that alone?”

“Not if I’m right there and can help,” he protests. “What do you want me to do? Pull up a chair and throw popcorn?”

“Well… no,” I concede. “But it’s interesting that you continue to find yourself in situations where you feel women need you to protect them.” I push his book aside and pick up mine instead. “I called it from the get-go that Julie was the instigator of all the mayhem. Women are allowed to be crazy and wild too, ya know?”

“Anarchists,” he murmurs smugly, nodding his head. “Consider me warned.”

“Maybe I’m your villain,” I mock. “You just assume I’m too innocent to set a city on fire.”

“Wrong.” He snatches my book and chuckles. “I think you may be the most catastrophic fire I’ve ever encountered. I just haven’t figured out all the details yet.”

“Mildly insulting,” I drawl, settling my hands in my lap. “Retribution will come. I just haven’t figured out all the details yet.”