Chapter Twenty-Three
“Twenty bucks says you wet your pants and run out of there screaming like a little girl within ten minutes.” I stood in the main living room waiting for Reid as I watched him through the doorway to the bedroom finish re-strapping down his body with artillery.
Insurance claims adjuster my ass. There’s something else there, I just don’t know what it is yet.
“Do I look like a pants wetter to you? I’m a man’s man. Emerged from my mother’s womb knowing how to use the toilet, never once did I even have to wear a diaper as an infant.” Reid pulled a black t-shirt on over his chest and slipped his cell phone in his back pocket as he walked towards me.
He’s wearing another pair of jeans today, this pair a little lighter than the dark pair he wore last night, and he has on another fitted black t-shirt. His hair is still damp from the shower, and he’s wearing the same light tan combat boots that look like they’ve seen a few years. I thought he was sexy in fitted slacks and polo shirts, but this is an entirely other level of hot. A whole other stratosphere, and I want to visit that galaxy every single day. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, or womankind, or whatever.
I met him halfway, leaning in and standing on my toes to sniff at his neck, “aha, there it is, the overwhelming scent of testosterone in the room is definitely coming from you.” My words were dripping with sarcasm.
“Thanks, it’s my new cologne, Chapman No. 5. Maybe I should bottle it and sell it if the way you are still sniffing me is any indication. You do realize you’re still sniffing me, right?” Reid smiled conceitedly as he turned his face into mine and brushed his lips over my forehead.
“Whatever, you’re deflecting now because you don’t want to admit you’re truly terrified to go into the haunted house.” I took a step back, having to forcefully extract my nose from Reid’s neck. He does smell freaking amazing.
“Absolutely not, I’m not scared of anything.” His words came out cocky, but he flinched for just an instant when something about what he said registered in his mind. Huh, he’s scared of something alright.
“Why else would you be strapping yourself with a half-ton of ammunition?” I looked over my shoulder as I turned to walk out the front door of the house holding my notebook and an ink pen. My laptop isn’t going to do me any good without high-speed internet.
“I’ve learned to always anticipate the unexpected. Nothing is ever as it seems.” His words sat heavy over us as he strode up beside me with his long legs and closed the door behind us.
We stood side-by-side in the middle of the gravel path that separated the massive plantation home from the small house we’ve been hiding away in. The sun was overhead, and the morning dew had long since evaporated by the time we finally pulled ourselves out of the bed and showered…together.
I borrowed Reid’s fancy cord and praised the heavens when my phone lit up with enough service to call out and touch base with Laurel, who will be sending a crew out to finish hooking up the internet as soon as possible. Apparently that process had begun but had not yet been completed. She let me know where Reid and I could access the panels for the electrical power out here. All information that would have been valuable pre-arrival, but I’m learning quickly that Miss Chesire doesn’t willingly give up information. Even when she does, she isn’t fast about it.
Reid was able to call into the office or somewhere, I really don’t know, I try not to intrude. I know he’s hiding something, but I figure when he’s ready he’ll tell me. So instead of being nosy, I finished getting dressed and drove out to the main road to pick up the grocery delivery. Hello lunchtime.
It was early afternoon by the time we finally had it together enough to venture out.
I’ve put off the inevitable long enough. It’s time to get the ball rolling on this project full speed ahead, and that means one way or another, we’re going in.
“You ready, princess?” Sensing my hesitation, Reid reached over and grabbed my hand, looking down at me with his blue eyes. Something about the sky made them look so much bluer today.
It’s strange, I’m still surprised by the small, intimate actions of this arrogant man. For someone that can be so crass and full of himself, he’s surprisingly sweet. I don’t even think it’s occurred to him yet that he’s doing it.
“As ready as I’m going to be. Let’s do this.” I gripped his hand tightly and took a step forward as I led us around the gravel path to the front entrance of the house. If I’m going to enter a haunted plantation house, is there really any other way to do it than right through the front door? I think not.
I do not believe in ghosts. I do not believe in ghosts.
I inhaled one last deep breath as Reid handed me the key to the front door. Apparently, he has the keys to every door around here – thanks a lot Laurel - and I slipped it into the lock.
Ready or not, here we come.
“Oh my God, Reid. Am I hallucinating? Is this real life?” We stepped through the front doors of the historic plantation house and were instantly transported back in time.
The large, custom carved wooden double doors opened into a grand foyer. Dark cherry hardwood floors ran for as long as you could see. The ceiling was open all the way to the top, and an elaborate golden gas-lit chandelier hung down overheard.
A stunning white staircase wrapped the length of the second story and descended just a few feet to our right. But what was probably most shocking of all was the fact that everything remained untouched. Draperies, rugs, furniture, décor, all covered in a thick layer in dust, and what I expect is soot from the fire all remain exactly as they were years ago.
My love for history beats for this home, for the life it should have lived, not the life it endured.
The stale scent of smoke lingers in the air, but luckily the house has had some time to air out, so it’s not overwhelming. I bet we could call in a specialty restoration team and have most of the items in here treated for smoke damage. It will be costly, but we should be able to save everything that wasn’t directly affected by the fire, and this staircase – the things we could do to this entry – my thoughts were taking flight as I stood mesmerized.
“Your eyes are dancing, Holly. I thought you might be scared, maybe even intimidated, but you’re in love, aren’t you?” Reid’s deep voice broke through my racing thoughts.