Page 47 of Devil You Know

“An arrogant asshole, really?” I grazed her rib cage with my hand.

“Yes, really. He even called me in the middle of the night one night, and then proceeded to demand I have dinner with him. Can you believe the nerve of that guy?”

“I’m guessing you said hell no?”

“You would be correct. I’m not a puppy, I don’t fetch just because some man throws a bone my way.” Laughter fell easily from my lips as a visual of Holly fetching flashed through my mind. No, this woman takes orders from no one, but I have my methods of persuasion.

“Oh really? So, you’re a regular ole’ badass then, aren’t you?”

“I mean, if you want to put it that way.” She shrugged her shoulders and lifted her chin arrogantly.

“And what if I asked you to dinner?”

“I dunno, I should probably check my schedule. You’ll need to email my assistant.” A smile teased at her lips as her laughter threatened to escape her attempt at a serious face.

“Final answer, princess?” She shrugged again, and I used her nonchalance as an opportunity to tickle her ribs with my fingers, sending her into a fit of chaotic laughter on the bed. And this wasn’t the cute kind of laughter. No, Holly Adkins is ticklish. This woman was jumping and kicking her naked ass all over the bed as laughter heaved from her lungs.

“Stop it Reid...stop it right now!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as I continued my torture of her ribcage.

“Dinner, woman.” I demanded as I smiled watching her struggle.

“I will shoot your ass.” The words came out a jumbled mess, but I’m only half certain she’s joking about that.

“Holly, dinner.” I moved to her thighs, and her laughter mixed with moans.

“Agh, ok – ok, just get off my ribs!” She relented, giving me what I wanted, as I flipped her to her back, rolling over on top of her and hovering there as I watched her blue eyes dilate.

“Reid, what’s happening?” Those three words said so much.

My hands were wrapped in the silk strands of her hair, and I felt her toes brush my legs as our skin touched all over.

I studied her as I debated on what to say, because truthfully, I don’t know what’s happening. I’m stranded on an island that I’ve never mapped, but I have an inkling that there’s treasure somewhere if I just look hard enough.

“I don’t know. When I told you that I always get what I want, well, it’s the truth. I’m relentless and controlled, giving up is never an option that I entertain. I knew I wanted you from the start. But, you aren’t at all what I was expecting. Now that I have you, well, I find myself not wanting to give you back.” I played with the strands of her hair between my fingers as I spoke to her.

She looked into my eyes and hesitated before opening her mouth to speak. “You can keep me for a while…if you want.” Her words were a whisper of hope and a question wrapped up as one.

I’ve been trying to fit her pieces into a puzzle since the beginning, but maybe she never fit because I was putting her into the wrong puzzle all along.

“Ok.” The words I needed to say were lodged in my throat, words that I knew were too soon to be spoken. Words that didn’t even make sense, but that I wanted to say all the same. So, I said what I could and showed her what I couldn’t, as my mouth descended on her.

I kissed her hair, her forehead, her mouth, her neck.

I trailed my lips over her body claiming her as my own.

I wasted no time reaching for the strip of condoms beside the bed that was already almost gone and ripping one off.

“Let me.” She grabbed the package from my hand and opened it, pulling the condom from the wrapper and sliding it over the sensitive head of my cock. Her gentle touch nearly sent me over the ledge before we’d even begun. I’m so strung out for this woman.

She laid back into the pillows when she finished, satisfied with her work. The sunlight streamed through the window casting a golden light over her complexion, she’s stunning.

Placing an elbow on either side of her head, I let her guide my cock into her body using only her hips. We’ve danced this dance before. Her body accepted mine with no protest as she rocked her hips forward, and I bottomed out inside of her warm velvet pussy.

“Mine.” The word escaped my lips, and she rocked forward in response.

I began a slow rhythm, pulling out to the tip and sliding back in, over and over again, savoring her.

I kissed her jaw, her lips, her eyes as I continued to rock in and out, and she met me stride for stride, slowly building the ache that barely sat dormant from the night before.