Alex keeps telling me to be careful, but careful is for insurance claims adjusters and accountants. Good thing I’ve never been one of those. I smiled directly into one of the cameras as I took a step towards my greatest risk in the hopes that by taking a chance I could get an even greater reward.
“Holly…wake up Miss Holly.” The familiar, soft voice of a young boy broke through my solid slumber as a brisk chill swept up my bare spine. My eyes shot open remembering where I was, and I immediately searched the room, pulling the sheet up over my body to cover myself.
Only, the room was completely empty. Ugh, I’m having nightmares after my interaction with that kid yesterday, damn overactive imagination. My racing heart slowed as I confirmed there was no one else in the room, and with that the realization of my sore, aching muscles took over.
Even my hair follicles are sore, which brings up another question. Where is Reid? How long have I been asleep? A few hours? Thirty minutes? I don’t even remember passing out. The last thing I remember is collapsing onto Reid’s bare chest after I let him take me from behind while I held on to the frame of the large four-poster bed I’m currently sitting in, alone, still.
Huh, I glanced over to the window, it’s dark out.
My eyes landed on his small arsenal of weapons that sit untouched over on the armoire. He couldn’t have gone far, I can’t image he would have left without whatever that is over there, guns, knives…I’m sure if I got up and took a closer look, I would probably find some sort of grenades or explosives. When I say the man was strapped down, the man was strapped down. And while on some level that is very sexy, it is also still very concerning because I know he lied to my face about why exactly he was so heavily armed last night.
Everything about this is new and overwhelming. I would like to say that what happened last night was unexpected, but it wasn’t. I didn’t understand it at the time, but I knew from the moment he walked into that café that we were inevitable, even if I tried to deny it. Something shifted inside of me, and last night Reid solidified what I already knew, I can’t walk away from whatever this is, I need to explore it.
Pulling the sheet with me as I went, I stood beside the bed in the middle of the dark room and listened. The walls in this small house are paper thin, and the floors creak and give with each step taken.
I heard his footsteps first, and then I heard the hushed tones of his voice. “Why put my clothes on when I plan on taking them off again, and no, I’m not putting these stickers in the bedroom so you can go ahead and flush that idea down that toilet before it leaves your mouth. You can’t live stream my sex life as porn for your nighttime activities, it’s disgusting.”
I covered my mouth with my hand and held in the giggle that threatened to escape. I don’t know who he’s talking to or how he has cell reception out here in the middle of the forest, but I concur, neither one of us need clothes for the day…yet. My skin tingled at the thought of Reid’s hands touching me again.
But then I paused, my brain still sluggish from sleep, stickers? Live streams? What’s he talking about? I looked around the room I was standing in like there was some sort of hidden candid camera somewhere, maybe a red light that would be a dead giveaway, but nothing.
Weird. I wish I could hear the other side of the conversation, I stepped closer to the cracked door. It’s the middle of the night, or at the very least the early hours of the morning, who would he be calling at this time?
“Emily is terrifying. Yeah, no thanks, that’s on you. What else do you need?”
Emily? I swear to the good Lord above if this man is married, I’m going to blow him up with his own damn grenade.
He’s not married right? I would have discerned that by now, surely. I mean, I know my history doesn’t lend to my ability to judge someone’s character, but come on, surely I’m not that blind.
I stepped from the recesses of the bedroom, pushing open the door and leaned against the doorframe. Reid’s blue eyes locked onto mine as he stood in the center of the room holding a cell phone to his ear. The phone was hooked to some sort of black cord that appears to be plugged into the box I found last night. Apparently, Reid is more techy than I gave him credit for.
His eyes were clear, focused. They held no guilt or doubt, which confirmed my theory that it’s unlikely that he has a secret wife.
He didn’t hang up immediately, but continued to listen, never once taking his eyes off of me.
He grunted something in the back of his throat that I couldn’t quite make out before pulling the phone away from his ear, effectively ending the call. He stalked towards where I stood wrapped in nothing but the thin sheet from the bed.
“Morning or night?” I asked as he reached me in nothing but the wrinkled jeans he wore last night. The button was popped, and a trail of dark hair led from his beautiful abs down to my own personal Disneyland.
“Morning. I don’t know about you, but I want to go back to bed.” He brushed a stray piece of hair from my face and gently put it back behind my ear, the intimacy of action taking me by surprise.
I hummed under my breath as I thought about what my next words would be. I have so many questions, and despite how I feel about Reid, I’m strong enough to know that I need some answers before moving forward. I made that mistake once before, and if the way I feel right now is any indication, I’m not sure I would survive a hurt of this magnitude.