Reid Chapman
Age – 6 years old
“Reid, honey, it’s time to come inside.” I leapt over a crater and darted my eyes around the perimeter looking for the evil that I knew lurked around every corner. Evil, it’s always there. You just have to find it. Then defeat it.
“Five more minutes Mom, the bad guys will get away if I don’t protect the Empire.” I ran for cover behind the big oak tree that holds our headquarters and readied my shot, waiting – waiting for the evil to reveal itself.
“Alright, honey, five more minutes. But stop pretending to shoot people, you know how I feel about guns.”
Get ready. Get set.
Pew. Pew. Pew.
“Reid! Stop it with the stick guns!” Her mom voice carried through the back yard, the one that says she means business, interrupting the galactic battle of the century.
Moms are stinking scary when they use the mom voice.
“Mom!!!!” I groaned as I threw my gun down after a battle to the death, defending the Galactic Empire against the evil forces of the universe once again.
“Get up Alex, it’s over, you can stop pretending you’re dead now.” I pushed my thick glasses up my nose and kicked my best friend in the leg as he rolled over from his spot in my backyard.
“Ah man, they got away again.” Alex climbed up to his knees, covered in dirt and mud, just like me. It’s dirty work, but somebody’s gotta do it.
“They live to see another day. We’ll get em’ though, don’t worry. Good will always triumph over evil.” I put my hands on my hips as I threw back my black cape. My mom made it especially for me. It has a giant red R on the back. You know, for Reid.
I’m going to be a superhero when I grow up.
The real-life kind.
“Be careful walking home Alexander, tell your mother I said hello.” My mom spoke up from her perch on the back patio as she watched us. Alex lives next door; we’ve been brothers since forever even though we have different parents.
“Come inside baby, supper is almost ready.”
“Is Dad home yet?” My dad works all the time, mom says it’s because his job is super important.
“Not tonight, maybe by bedtime.” She gave me the look that she gets when she has sad eyes. Moms worry too much.
“One day Mom, one day I will defeat all the evil in the world. You just wait and see!” I walked the steps to our back patio as I followed her inside.
“I know baby, I know.”