“Behold,” he announces. “Standing below us is the city of Vhoig.”
“It’s magnificent,” I exclaim in awe, running my eyes over the city. In the far distance is the harbor, at which ships of all sizes are docked. Buildings scatter the city but the main one that jumps out is the castle at the opposite side, surrounded by gardens and fountains.
“By the gods…” I mutter.
“You’ll be glad to know that Vhoig is far more progressive than Orthani. Humans are treated better here, and you’ll likely see couples just like us.”
“This is it,” I gasp. “Our second shot.”
“There’s no one else I would rather build a life with,” says Aiken, spinning me to face him. Filled with hope, I dive into his arms and plant a kiss on his lips.
With our pasts behind us, I become filled with a newfound sense of hope, confident that the worst is behind me now. From here on out, it’s only going to be Aiken and I, creating a life that we deserve.
Many months have passed. It wasn’t all too long ago when I snatched Isla away from the wretched hands of my brother and escaped with the girl of my dreams. Leaving our old lives behind has proved to be no easy task with many ups and downs along the way.
Things have settled for us now. Through it all, I still had access to my family fortune but I’ve only ever reached into it when necessary. I tend not to spend a lot, especially in public. This is in order to avoid attention with its prying eyes and eavesdropping ears.
I had to find a way to make money but it didn’t take long to find a job. I decided to stick to what I do best and get a job as a negotiator for a local business owner, procuring supplies at a discounted cost.
In this economy, it takes skill to do what I do, and there’s no education course on charm. The position pays me well and allows for Isla and I to live a stable life. She herself has also taken on the helm of bringing in an income, organizing and cleaning a silkware shop in the city center.
“Good work today Aiken, here’s a bonus,” says my boss, shaking my hand.
“Just another day’s work,” I chuckle. “I’ll see you in a few days.”
I leave my workplace thinking of my girl, stepping out into the fresh air of Vhoig. I begin the journey home, fiddling around with a very special object in my pocket.
Today’s going to be a very special day for us both, I think to myself with a smile, excited for the evening time. As I stroll through the busy streets, I imagine Isla hard at work without a bother in the world.
There’s been far fewer cases of harassment that Isla has gone through here as a human. Only the occasional elf has given her trouble but intervention on my part always put a swift end to it.
Most of the time, she reports dark elves being friendly toward her, oftentimes welcoming her human presence in the city. I gaze at the castle in the distance as it looms over the city.
I suppose it helps that the King and the Archduke of Vhoig both have human mates.
I’m washed with a wave of happiness, knowing that this was indeed the right move. I had access to a lot more luxuries in my old life back in Orthani. Right now though, I couldn’t possibly be caring any less.
I have what matters to me the most and that’s Isla. No amount of material goods and money could ever come close to comparing with the power of my love for her.
I turn and take the road leading into Midtown, where I bought us a little house. It’s small in size but cozy and quaint. It has all I need.
I turn the keys in the door, stepping into my beautiful home. A kitchen sits in the corner, complete with a woodfire oven and a neat collection of utensils and cutlery.
To my right is a large couch, smothered in pillows and blankets. In front of the couch is a fireplace that I light just now with a fire spell. I cast the same spell at lamps sitting around the house, illuminating a warm glow all over the interior.
It’s a little world I’ve created with the help of Isla, and I love it far more than my old family manor. I settle in as I go about making some tea for myself, mulling over the details for my plan.
Some time passes as the late afternoon arrives, the indoors dimming ever so slightly. I’m in the middle of cleaning the house when I hear footsteps walking up the cobblestone pathway outside.
I turn to face the front door as it opens, inwards stepping Isla. She smiles as I approach her, enwrapping her in my arms and planting the gentlest of kisses upon her face.
“How was work?” I ask.
“Oh nothing new. How about you?”