Page 5 of Rise

To each, your own as my dad would say.

But what really got me were his eyes. They were like melted chocolate. That perfect combination of sweet and spicy.

He had a perfect jawline.

A strong nose.

And these really pretty lips.

And when he stood, and I looked up at him, I had to bend my neck way back to meet his eyes.

He was the tallest person in the club. And the biggest.

Not only weight-wise but muscle-wise.

I swore that three of me made up one of his legs. It would take more than ten of me, and probably more to even come close to being his size.

And someone his size could squash anyone like a bug, but to me, he didn’t come off that way. No, he came off in the way that he wouldn’t go after you unless you went after him.

Or that of someone important to him. I got those vibes from him, there was no rhyme or reason why or how I knew that, but I just did.

But more importantly than his looks, it was meeting someone that got me.

Because my very own mother sure as heck didn’t.

And I vowed that I would be his best friend.

There had just been something about him. Something that called to me. Whether it was the slight darkness behind his eyes. The way his shoulders tensed every so often when he did something and cussed about it.

The others had looked at him curiously as to why the smallest things that he didn’t get right aggravated him.

But I had got him.

And so, I kept making small mistakes too.

And when he caught on to what I was doing? That smile? It was better than getting the one Christmas present you’ve been asking for all flipping year.

And it stayed like that for the rest of the day.

Now, I will admit, I didn’t actively seek him out. I really freaking didn’t.

It was almost as if there was some kind of magnetic pull between the two of us.

Where I went, he found himself. And vice versa. It happened in the kitchen. In the common room, out back when the grill was started.

Sitting next to each other around the bonfire, the tapping of his boot when a song came on. The tapping of my fingers to the beats. The smiles. The winks. The blushing of my cheeks, his chuckle. Sigh.

See I would go as far as to say that I was head over heels in love with him.

But the emotion of love was something I’d never seen.

Sure, I knew the emotion between a child and a parent had to be different from that of a man and a woman or something completely different. To each their own.

So, instead, I focused on finding a new friend. A new friend that would become my best friend as the years came on.


But today was today. And I had made myself prepare for it. Psych myself up for it.