Page 96 of Rise

That didn’t mean we didn’t take precautions.

I was on bed rest more times than not, and that wasn’t the doctors telling us to do that, that was our decision.

Because neither one of us could go through that experience again.

Oh, and I never walked anywhere. If Tank couldn’t carry me, then my dad did.

But anyway, that’s beside the point, I was creeping slowly down the hall because I wanted to video this moment.

But my husband ruined it.

The butthead.

With a finger pressed to his lips, he had his phone pointed into the nursery.

Peeking around the corner carefully, it was to hear Elijah singing ever so softly to Saylah.

And he did that because I had been the one to sing to him when he was a newborn and he calmed instantly.

And it worked for Saylah too. It was the only way she was able to fall asleep.


“What do you want to be for Halloween, buddy?” Raine was on her way home from work and I was home with the kids.

My son looked at me, and then said, “I've thought long and hard about it.”

I nodded, “Okay… and what did your genius brain decide on?”

“I want to be a clown.” As soon as our son said that I spat my beer all over myself.

That was when I saw my wife standing in the kitchen in her scrubs, her lunch bag, and her purse, laughing her little ass off, “You put him up to that. Didn’t you?”

The little imp looked at me, and then scrunched up her nose. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ever want to see a SEAL run screaming from a room?

Add a fake knife with red food coloring on it in the hands of someone dressed like a clown.


I never got tired of it. I didn’t think I ever would when he called me dad.

We still couldn’t find rhyme or reason why people would hurt their children. It was something we just couldn’t wrap our minds around.

“Dad?” Elijah asked me as I sat beside him and played Call of Duty with him.

I had just taken a target out when I said, “Yeah, buddy?”

Elijah took out another one and then asked, “Is it because you and mom have been together for so long that you can read her like a book?”

I nodded, “That’s part of it, buddy.”

“What’s the other part?” He asked. He was smart. So damn smart that it rocked our worlds with how smart he was.

I shrugged, “The other part is that your mom has a few tells. I learned a long time ago what her tells were.”

My son’s bright blue eyes sparkled with mischief and were locked on mine, and then he lowered his voice in a whisper and asked, “And what are they?”