Page 88 of Rise

But for me, I felt as though some days, I didn’t even know him. Sometimes, I thought I saw the heart of him. However, on other days, I knew that I didn’t. Not by a long shot.

And he proved that with his next text.

Tank – Supposed to be getting some shuteye. Lol. Can’t help but text you back. Which by the way, I will be doing.

Me – Goober. You need your sleep. You need to be ready for whatever comes your way.

Tank – What I need to know is what I can do to get you no longer mad at me. And to get back to where we were headed before I left on that mission.

Me – That’s the thing. I shouldn’t have to tell you. You should be willing to do anything, Tank.

Tank – I know. Can’t kill a guy for asking. Right?

Tank – But seriously, I promise you, I’m going to bust my ass to get us there. Speaking of which you should be receiving something soon. Now, I’m getting some sleep. You’ll be in my dreams like you always are.

Before I could reply, Stella came into the cafeteria with her own lunch, and seeing the smile on my face, she plunked her lunchbox down on the table and asked, “Okay, so… spill it. What’s Tank done now?

Laughing, I placed my phone down beside me and then told her all about Tank and me. Starting with how we met when I was a little girl, and he was a teen. Then ending with how he’s been treating me, and what all took place yesterday at my house.

“Make him grovel for it. Even though the two of you have history. Don’t you dare give in.” Stella said, her words echoing through my mind for the rest of my shift.

I had just finished the chart of my last patient when from the corner of my eye, I saw a man in a dark red shirt, and black pants walk into the unit with a large bouquet of flowers.

And that single sight had every woman that was free rushing forward to see who they were for.

“Can we help you?” And bless the man’s heart, he looked worried.

Because six women had rushed him.

Laughing softly, I shut down the chart I was working on and then made my way over to them.

“Yes, I’m looking for the future, Mrs. Calaveras.”

And at his words, I shook my head, that man.

“That would be me,” I called out.

He looked at me, stepped forward, and then held out a tablet and said, “Please sign for these. Mr. Calaveras was quite adamant that we make sure they go to you and to no one else.”

I couldn’t help the soft laughter that escaped my lips, of course, he did.

After I signed the screen, I wondered when they would make signatures on screens look more legible when they always looked like a three old signed something and not a twenty or over-something person.

Taking the large bouquet of wildflowers, I plucked out the card, and it read, Made you many promises. I know I broke a few, but no more. No one will ever love you like I can. I mean every word. You’re my home. Happy Anniversary, Gray.

It took me a moment to understand the Happy Anniversary bit, but then, a feeling of warmth, safety, and love-filled me to my core.

It’s been twelve years since the first day I met him.

With my flowers in my arm, I clocked out, said see you later to the ladies, and then headed to the locker to get my stuff.

We had a busy day today which helped the day go by faster, but I was ready to get home, kick my feet up and watch the new episode of Yellowstone. Thankfully, I didn’t need to pause the screen when Rip appeared. I had my own Rip. But he was nice to look at.

Taking a picture of the flowers I sent it to Lena and then waited for a beat and called her, “Bitch, who are those from?”

With a smile on my face, I said, “Tank.”

“Wow. Hell. Guess that boy took your words to heart. About damn time. You make him sweat, Raine. No matter what.” She said in all seriousness, but I knew with what I was about to tell her, she would be changing her tune.