Page 85 of Rise

I shook my head, then looked him square in the eyes, and whispered, “If she never wants my touch again, I’ll beat the living hell out of you. I’ll make the job they did on you look like child's play. If she leaves me because of this, because you already know I was on thin fucking ice, I’ll kill you.”

“Tank, brother, that woman loves you,” Ripper told me from my side.

“I crave her fucking touch. And I’d never leave her. That’s how buried deep inside of me she is.” I said as my heart felt as though it was ripping in two.

I let go of Frog, took a step back, and promptly fell on my ass, luckily there was an open chair behind me.

Red knew I’d fucked up one too many times when he said, “But does she know that?”

Dropping my head in my hands, my breathing erratic. Breathe in. Breathe out. Again. Again.

“Do you know how many times she said she loved me through the years? And I never said it back? Not fucking once. And the stupid answer, I love you didn’t fucking cover the way I feel about her. I wracked my brain multiple times a day on how to accurately tell her how much I love her. To tell her she’s the air I need to breathe. To tell her, she’s the calm in my storm. She’s the color to my fucking world. Without her… fuck… I can’t even imagine it.”

“That answer just saved your ass.” Looking over my shoulder at Storm, I grunted.

I nodded, then answered, “I would have handed you my gun to do the job.”

“And that answer just saved your ass too. She’s asking for you.” Shea said as she came up behind Storm.

Without conscious thought, I was up and out of my chair and striding to her room which Storm had told me which room number as I’d passed him.

And when I made it to her room, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

I noticed.

Fuck, did I notice.

I knew I had fucked up.

I had fucked up huge.

But knowing that there was still a chance that she would forgive me, I was grabbing a hold of that chance with everything in me.

Because she showed me a sign.

My ring still adorned her finger.

I knew that if I was going to be living in hell without her, then she wouldn’t still be wearing my ring.

Walking into her room, the moment Lena spotted me, she rose from her chair and then said, “I’ll give you guys some alone time.”

And as she passed me, her little elbow slammed into my ribs.

Letting out a grunt, I locked my gaze with Raine’s tear filled eyes.

I stood there as I let the vision of her soothe the ache inside my heart for knowing that I had chosen someone else over her.

When she never would have done that.

Correction she might have, but she would have found out what happened and then if she didn’t like that answer she would’ve come directly to me. Of that, I had no doubt.

“Are you going to give me my hug and a good fucking explanation? Or do you want your ring back, the kutte off your body, and then start over somewhere else?” She asked, anger, hurt, pain, betrayal, laced every word.

With those words, and not liking them one damn bit, I walked further into her room until I was at her side, and then I carefully wrapped her in my arms.

And there, against my neck, she let the tears fall.

And for the first time in a long ass time, I did the same.