Page 82 of Rise

I’ve been in the waiting room for going on three hours now.

Finally, the family of Raine Lowman was called to the desk.

I went up there and was shown to a smaller waiting room.

I was in there for about five minutes which was five minutes too long when a woman walked in.

Pretty little thing too, she had a wedding ring on. Damn.

But I shook my head because I felt as if I was cheating.

Nope. Don’t go there. Don’t worry about it right now.

Your daughter needs you.

“Mr. Lowman?” she asked.

“That’s me. How is she?” My hands were sweaty.

“Well, I’m sure by now you must know about the pregnancy.” Fucking really? She was pretty but she had a badass attitude. And not in a good way either. She went from pretty to somewhat pretty.

I shook my head. “Yeah. I found out tonight. Don’t think bad about her Doc,” I could see the sneer forming on her face, she went from somewhat pretty to fucking ugly. “She was waiting to tell her fiancée when she saw him again.”

The woman looked at my kutte and then glared, “Oh, I see, is he in prison or something? Is that why he isn’t here?”

Anger filled my every pore at her words, and then I didn’t even try to curb my language. Fuck that shit. “Look here bitch. Just because I’m in an MC doesn’t give you the right to judge my daughter and look at her like she’s a piece of trash. For your fucking information my future son-in-law and a brother in my MC is in the Military, a certain division that I can’t speak about. And even if I could, I wouldn’t talk about it with the likes of you. I’m sure he’s going to appreciate you being snobby and rude when he gets here from his latest mission. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate you telling me how my daughter is and then get your nasty ass self out of my face. I’ll be getting her another doctor.”

“Mr... Mr. Lowman, that wasn’t my intention at all. I just wanted to make sure that the people who needed to be here were here.” She tried to hide her attitude. And failed.

“Yeah, no you didn’t. And you’re fucking lucky I’m dog tired and I’m worried about my daughter. The last person that disrespected her ended up breathing through a fucking tube. Now, how’s my daughter?”

“She’s going to be fine. Except, I’m sorry. But she lost the baby. I know this isn’t the news anyone wants to hear, but the doctors didn’t see anything that would prevent her from getting pregnant again if that’s any consolation. We have people she can talk to if she wishes.”

“When can I see her?” I was getting impatient with this bitch.

“In about an hour or so, someone will come and get you when she is in her room and out of recovery.”

I didn’t say anything else to her. I got up and walked out. I had to go get a smoke.

Tagging my phone, knowing that Raine would need her.

I called Lena, and when she answered, I told her what happened.

She was at the hospital in under fifteen minutes.

And what killed me was that she wouldn’t look me in the eye.

What I didn’t realize, instead of trying her hand and talking to me about her feelings, she decided to use everything she could and trash those feelings.

I would soon realize that I didn’t like that. Not one motherfucking bit.

But I couldn’t think about that now. No, I had a fucking phone call to make.

And hope like hell he’s able to get here.

Chapter 16
