Page 80 of Rise

She didn’t even try to fight off the laughter and the wiggling of her brows as I growled, took off the bow, threw it at her, and drank some of the pink liquid.

After I swallowed down another mouthful, I told her, “Oh you’re so funny you smartass.”

Fingers crossed this would work, I told her thank you.

And then she left, but not before saying, “Tootles. Love you.”

To which I replied that I loved her too. And I did. She was my other best friend. I loved her like a hormonal woman loves chocolate.

She had to get back home to take the lasagna out of the oven she was making for dinner.

Since the pain had slowed, I thanked my lucky stars, got up, and headed for bed.

And I didn’t stop the tears when I realized his scent was gone from his pillow.

I needed him here.

I hated sleeping in our bed without him.

He still hasn’t told me why he had to leave, and I figured that was because the emails weren’t secure enough for him to tell me. No, he would do that face-to-face.

Thankfully, two hours later, I was able to fall asleep.

I must have been asleep for a few hours, yet I wasn’t sure what had awakened me.

Rolling to my side, I turned on the switch for my lamp.

Taking in the bedroom, and the rooms beyond when I didn’t hear anything, I sighed.

Only that was when what had woke me up, made itself known.

Tears filled my vision, sharp pains in my stomach, I suddenly became very dizzy.

It wasn’t until I rolled back over, trying to escape the pain, that I felt something.

It was wet and warm and had a really weird smell. I lifted up the sheets tentatively and what lay there shocked me. I grabbed my phone and called my father.

“Hey Cookie, everything okay?” Sleep was in his voice.

“Daddy,” I yelled in the phone. Oh god I hope I’m wrong.

He was awake instantly upon hearing my panic, “Cookie, what’s wrong?”

“I need you. Now.” I was shaking so bad.

He hung up after promising he would be right here.

Then another pain wracked my body.

After I tried to breathe through it but was failing, I heard feet pounding on the floors and someone headed to my room.

When he reached the doorway, his face turned white as a sheet because I had uncovered myself.

“Darlin’, what’s wrong? What happened?” He came closer and looked at the blood that was staining my sheets.

“Daddy, I need to go to the hospital. Please don’t freak out.” I said as tears trailed down my cheeks from the pain, I was in.

All the blood and the cramps from yesterday told me exactly what was wrong with me.