Page 74 of Rise

I nodded, “Affirmative.”

And that was when I got my orders.

After I showered, dressed, and packed what gear I would need that was all in her spare bedroom, I started the coffee for her.

Walking back into the bedroom, I sat down on the edge of the bed, then moved a strand of her soft hair behind her ear, then lowered my head and kissed her.

Her lips moved automatically.

Then when I pulled away, she tagged my hand and murmured with her eyes closed, “It’s too early. Come back to bed and snuggle.”

Laughing softly, I said, “You don’t know how good that sounds, Gray. But I have to go. I’m needed.”

Her eyes opened and then she took in what I had on. And like that, she was up.

And with a clear head, she nodded, “Do I have ten minutes to go with you?”

I nodded, “Yeah, get your sexy ass ready.”

And when she emerged from the bedroom in a pair of leggings, and an old baggy sweatshirt of mine, her hair still in a disarray, she’s never looked sexier.

At the airstrip, I wrapped her in my arms and kissed the hell out of her.

With that, I sat her back on her feet, and then with one final look at what I was fighting for, I turned on my boot and headed for the plane.

The screeching of tires had my head whipping to the side to see something I wasn’t expecting.

Seeing Pete climb out of Shea’s car, and her chasing after him.

Nor had I expected to see him haul her in his arms and kiss her hard.

Well hell, it looked like he and I had some shit to talk about.

Was I bothered by it?

That he was my brother from another mother and she, my sister?

Nope. I knew he was a good man. In fact, she would never find a better man than him.

After we talked on the long plane ride, I shot a message off to Raine and then got Shea’s version of events.

Stepping off the plane, hating the heat, I cleared my head, put my game face on, and then got to work.


I should have known. Judging by the smile on her face, I should have fucking known.

My woman. All fucking mine.

There she stood in a pretty dark blue sundress, on the front porch with a key in her hand and a red piece of ribbon tied to it, “Welcome home, Carter.”

“Are you trying to tell me something?” I asked as I sat my stuff down and then started up the stairs.

She winked at me, “Maybe. See, I think it’s time.”

My fingers were itching to bury my hands in her soft hair, but I held back, instead, I asked, “You think it’s time for what exactly?”

“For you to move in here. Officially. You told me I was your home. And seeing as you’re my home too, why don’t we call this place with four walls our home.”