Page 73 of Rise

After my bath, which helped a lot, I threw myself at him.

And guess what, he didn’t even bother with the condom this time.

And yes, he did what he promised at the restaurant.

There wasn’t a spot on my body, or his for that matter that our lips and tongues didn’t touch.

Was I paying for it the next day as I carefully lowered myself down on a bar stool while he made me breakfast? Yes, I was.

But did I care?

Heck no.

Did his smile and the shake of his head faze me when he sat a plate of spam, eggs, and fresh-cut strawberries in front of me?

Again, heck no.

Chapter 14


This woman, this woman undid me.

Her body was pressed against mine.

Her hair fanning out behind her, her head nestled on my chest, her leg thrown over my own.

I laid there, and realized I was finally content.

I had a safe place to sleep.

And a good roof over my head.

Amazing people around me.

A good woman.

A kick ass job.

And black trash bags were only used for trash.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, my phone rang.

To say I was surprised that it had taken this long to go off was an understatement.

But I didn’t give a fuck.

It gave me time to make her mine. To make me hers.

To finally have every part of her.

Carefully, I maneuvered her off of me, using my pillow in place of my chest, and then I took the call.


“Secure?” The voice on the other line asked.

I looked down at my woman and smiled. She was right. I should have trusted her from the beginning.