Page 65 of Rise

He should have trusted me. I could have gone to another room, put my headphones in and taken a bath. I could have waited in the living room while he went outside to have his secure conversation.

But he didn’t do that.

Why couldn’t his actions back up his words? Fucking why?

I didn’t lift my head from my hands when I felt someone’s body slide down the wall beside me where I apparently found myself.

“I just found out. I’m sure he has a good reason, honey.” At Lena’s words, I started crying yet again.

And guess what, not a phone call. Not a message. Not an email for the two weeks he was gone.


“I went by our house and when you weren’t there I came straight here.” He said the moment he walked into the clubhouse where I sat beside Lena as we both worked on schoolwork.

I didn’t say anything as I continued working.

When I still didn’t reply, I heard someone I’d never heard before ask, “Dude, what the fuck did you do?”

“I didn’t tell her I was leaving. I didn’t have the fucking time.” Tank bit out.

Without looking up from my book and the sentence I had read four times, not understanding a bit of it since he walked in, I snapped, “Yeah, you didn’t tell me you were leaving. Right in the middle of the start of our first time together mind you. I could have gone into another room while you took your phone call. I could have pulled on headphones and rode with you to the clubhouse to get your stuff. There was no reason to leave me standing there wondering when you would be home. Scared out of my mind that something bad had happened.”

“Wait. The start of y’alls first time together? Dude? What the fuck is the matter with you?” That voice questioned again.

I knew Tank ignored him because I felt him walk over to where I was sitting and kneel on the ground beside my chair.

Then I felt his warm palm through my sage green leggings, “Baby, please, look at me. Give me those eyes that are my favorite color.”

The only reason I even gave him my eyes was that he was indeed kneeling on the ground at my feet.

“Gray, I didn’t have time to tell you. I barely had time to tell Storm. I didn’t know Summer was standing there listening to what was happening. Did your dad not tell you how important it was?”

That was when my dad walked over and scrubbed underneath his chin, his little tale that he fucked up, “Yeah, I dropped the ball. Sorry, Cookie. I had meant to tell you first thing when he left but one thing after another came up and I plum forgot. I’m sorry.”

I looked from my dad, and then back to Tank, and asked, “Are you going to stay down there for the rest of your life?”

His tone was so serious, it left no room for argument, “If that’s what it takes, baby.”

I sighed, “You ever do that again, I mean it, Carter. I’ve already warned you before. This happens one more time, and that’s it. I love you. I love you with my whole heart and soul. I can’t take that happening again. And you broke a promise. You promised to stay in contact with me the best you could on missions.”

“I know, baby.” That was when he lifted from his knees and leaned in and whispered in my ear so Lena who was sitting beside me couldn’t hear.

“America’s most wanted list. A target was on there. He’s responsible for a huge sex trafficking ring in the southern hemisphere. We had a thirty-minute window.”

Softly, so only he could hear, I asked, “Did you get him?”

He winked, “What do you think?”

I sighed, leaned in, and pressed a kiss to his lips, and then muttered, “You’re both forgiven. Thank God I’m young and healthy. My heart can handle all this right now.

“Hold up, that’s why you call her gray because of her eyes?” The man looked from Tank to me, and then stared into my eyes, his own widening. “Yeah, now, I fucking get it.”

I looked at the man, and then back at Tank.

To which he grinned, got up, and then offered his hand to me to help me up from my chair.

“Hey, heard a lot about you. Names Pete.” He held out his hand for me to shake.