Page 52 of Rise

Following suit, I did the same.

Sitting beside my dad, Oliver sat beside me, Lena across from me, and Red in front of my dad.

I was waiting for it. How I knew he was going to ask what he did, I couldn’t tell you, but I knew it.

And I was again proven true when Oliver asked, “So, who were the two of you talking about?”

My dad stopped what he was talking about, and looked at him, in only the way my dad could look at someone, that freaking glare.

I was never on the receiving end of it, but I saw it.

And it affected Oliver as well. Because he shut the heck up and started eating.

I bit back a chuckle and smiled up at my dad’s twinkling eyes.

Lena, however, didn’t even try to hide her laughter.

Oliver looked at her then at me and asked, “What’s so funny?

To which we both started laughing even harder.

It wasn’t until someone walked over to our table, sat down a heaping plate of food, and then took a seat.

All the laughter dried up in my body.

“I still don’t get it.” Oliver said.

“Then you just proved you’re an idiot.” Lena said while still laughing, paying no mind to the man that sat down beside her.

“Who do you think…” He shut up when Red pounded on the table.

“She’s speaking the truth. Who the fuck comes to a motorcycle clubhouse for a fucking barbeque in a pink fucking polo shirt? You. The idiot. That’s who.”

Before anyone else could say a word, Summer said, “Hey baby, come find me later?”

Summer winked at me as she walked by our table.

“Who the hell is that?” Oliver asked. It wasn’t in a tone that suggested he was offended. No. The opposite of that. If he wanted her, he could freaking have her.

Tank shrugged and then with every word he spoke, his eyes stayed with mine so I could see the honesty in his eyes, “Someone that probably has a loose pussy. Wouldn’t know but I can imagine.”

I didn’t say a word to that.

Instead, I inhaled a breath and then started eating. Well, I was about to.

“When is she going to be out?” Tank asked my dad.

My dad looked at him, then down at me, and then over to Red. And to which Red nodded.

I didn’t know what transpired between them, not until I heard, “Summer?”

When my dad called out her name, my body tensed.

Why was he calling her over here?

I couldn’t stand her. Not just because she had apparently done something with Tank. But because of the way, she bragged about it. And treated me.

And I knew a lot of what she was talking about was true. I knew that. I had walked in on something.