Page 44 of Rise

Red shook his head and then gave me a light smile, one that I didn’t fucking know the meaning of, and then he said, “No. She just needs her dad. She’ll be okay.”

I knew there was something I was missing. Something major. But before I could ask him, I saw Lena walk over to her dad, and then I asked her, “What do you know that we don’t know?”

I watched as Lena leaned up on her toes and whispered something into Red’s ear.

He closed his eyes, sighed, and then nodded. He opened his eyes once more, and then pressed a kiss to Lena’s forehead.

And with that, she walked away. Completely ignoring me. Judging by how tight her features were, there was something heavy weighing on her mind.

Tightening my fists, my knuckles turning white, reality slapping me in the fucking face. She hadn’t called me. She knew I was home, but she hadn’t called me.

Did you fucking expect her to after she walked in on something that never should have even gotten started, nor should it have even gotten to that point?

Fuck no.

But still, she was mine, god damnit.

Replaying what had taken place only hours before, I gritted my teeth.

Seeing the rise of her shoulders as they were up and then crashing down, hearing the inhale of breath that filled her lungs, I fucking hated myself.

A man has needs for Christ’s sake.


No…. don’t you dare become an asshole.

Not to her.

She had every right to be upset. Because I allowed another woman to touch me.

Seeing how in my mind and my heart, I was fucking hers since I was nineteen fucking years old.

Fuck me.

So why the fuck had I come home and started jerking off in the shower.

I could go months in country and not do a goddamned thing.

Hell, I hadn’t been with anyone else since she was fourteen years old. It just didn’t fucking feel right.

So why the fuck had I messed up? Fucking now of all the times to mess up, it had to be now?

Why had I not known I was no longer in a daydream but in real life?

And I wasn’t going to let what had happened take us back a mile, over my dead body.

Therefore, I pulled out my phone and shot her a text.

I was sitting there, refreshing my screen every few minutes, waiting for her reply.

And after thirty minutes, I sighed, tagged a beer, and swallowed a healthy pull.

After another thirty minutes had passed and nothing on Raine, I was tempted to call her, only, that was the moment Storm walked back into the clubhouse.

Getting out of my chair, I walked over to him and asked, “She okay?”

“Yeah, she’s going to be just fine. She’s my tough cookie.” He said with pride, lacing every word.