Page 36 of Rise

Crossing her arms over her chest she glared, “No.”

“You sure you want to be that way?” I asked with a raised brow.

“I’m not being, anyway, you’re being a jerk.” And the fact that she stomped her foot, just proved to me that she didn’t know a goddamn thing.

“No, I’m just the jerk who cares about you when I have no fucking need to. You want to be better than that bitch who pushed us both out? Then fucking do better. Because I can tell you right now, the way you're going, it’s not looking that good.” I snapped.

She acted like she wasn’t smart, even though she really was.

Because when you haven’t been made to go to school, and yet on your placement exam, you score well above where you’re supposedly slated to be?

That says a lot.

Doesn’t it?

I knew the moment she took in every word I said to her.

Because her eyes softened, her body loosened, and I got a nod. A barely their nod, but still, it was a fucking nod.

“Plus, I told you, when you called me crying, I will do anything for you. And I proved that. You told me you owed me. Remember?” I asked her, using my card.

And she fucking did. Had it not been for my team, I would have gotten into some serious fucking trouble.

See, I’d had a long talk with her, and we had come to somewhat of an understanding. She promised to call me if she needed me, and I proved to her I would have her back. All she had to do was show some respect, and fucking make a life for herself she could be proud of.

So, when she called me, crying, I hadn’t hesitated in fucking up two pieces of shit’s worlds. They thought it was okay to slip into the girl's locker room at school and video her taking a fucking shower and then spread that shit far and wide.

Needless to say, thanks to the contacts I had, the video was gone, and an alert would pop up if the video appeared.

Now, as for how I handled the two little shits. Well, it would be hard for them to do anything with their fingers being unable to hit the buttons to release any more videos.

I often wondered if they ever made it to the hospital to have those digits reattached.

Probably not, seeing as we didn’t have ice on us to keep them viable.

Fucking whoops.

She should know what was about to come out of my mouth, “I’m calling in my favor.”

I’d been hoping to hold onto that favor for a long time, but this would be fine. Because I would be damned if the fucker would get away with doing a shitty ass job on my sister.”

She dropped her head and sighed, “Ugh you had to go there. Okay, what favor?”

There we go, smart girl. “The name?”

“Kink at Grisham Tattoo.” I would be paying him a visit later.

Leaning down, she picked up the shirt I’d taken off and then shrugged into it. I could see the pain in her eyes when she realized that every word, I had said to her was true.

And she knew now, that as long as she had someone at her back to protect her, she could dress however the hell she wanted.

Nodding, thankful that she was covered once again, I said, “Now please take your ass home, put on some real clothes, and meet me at the club for dinner?”

“Oh fine, all right.” When she was walking away, she turned and said, “Tank, I’m glad your home safe.” Then she gave me that small smile she hides but not from me, that’s my sister.

Then the little fucker threw the middle finger at me. Yep, that’s her.

After I was through dealing with her, I headed back into the restaurant and swallowed the food that Storm had ordered for me.