Page 29 of Rise

Mainly for my birthday tomorrow, but also for graduation next week.

But something in the air had my entire body tensing.

I didn’t understand it. I didn’t freaking get it.

Shaking off those thoughts, I smiled at Lena as she came bouncing down the steps, dressed similarly to what I had on.

After she got in, I cranked the stereo, and then off we went.

My nails were done for tomorrow.

Pretty white tips adorned my fingers, and I had a pretty deep purple on my toes.

I was in a good mood.

After dropping Lena off so she could do some last-minute prep for the gift she got me, I headed home and heated up some left over’s for dinner.

Every single time something felt different in the air, I knew that something was wrong.

And I knew that was about to happen.

Even more so when my gut told me I needed to head outside.

So that was what I did. I didn’t question it. I never did.

Therefore, when I stepped outside on our front porch and saw Tank climbing out of his truck I knew.

His truck.

Not getting off the back of his bike.

Furthermore, what he was wearing.

“No,” I said in a choked whisper.

He bowed his head as he closed his door, and then walked over to me, at the last minute, he lifted his head, and whispered, “I’m fucking sorry, Gray.”

I knew he was too. I could see it. The deep anguish in his eyes. The way his shoulders were slumped.

Taking a deep breath so I didn’t start crying my eyes out, I asked, “Tank, what is it?”

“We’ve lost all communication with one of our teams. They can’t find them. The intel they’re getting, it’s not good. They're calling me back to try and find them.”

I sighed. I didn’t want him to leave. I couldn’t be selfish. I couldn’t do that. I knew that each team consisted of about five to seven men, therefore, I asked in a whisper, “When do you leave?”

I saw his body shudder. It actually freaking shuddered, “I need to be at the airstrip in forty-five minutes.”

I gasped, I couldn’t help it, “You’re going to miss my birthday.”

“Yeah, beautiful. I’m fucking sorry.” That was the first time he called me beautiful as a name.

I would have shouted to the rooftops, the tops of the trees, even the mountains if he had said it at any other freaking time.

But that wasn’t the case.

He sighed, then pulled something from one of his pockets, locked his eyes with mine, and then said, “I had so much I wanted to say to you when I handed this to you tomorrow. But I want you to have this now.”

I saw a small black box, then I asked, “What is it?”