Page 26 of Rise

He glared and then nodded with a sigh.

With a smile, I got my hug from Maddox.

We all gathered around, all of us hugging and shaking hands with the other members of Wrath MC.

After everything was further explained we got in position and then waited. Each team would have the kids on their bikes for thirty minutes.

We were also given index cards with their names on them so the kids would know who they were riding with.

I was standing there waiting to get in the back of the truck when I saw Summer smirk and then sashay her way over to where Tank was sitting on his bike with his front facing me.

I knew that Lena saw the same thing I did, because when she started in that direction, I wrapped my hand around her arm, and then shook my head.

She didn’t need to go over there; I knew what Tank was going to do.

And he did it.

He shrugged her off him, and then pushed her away from him. I snorted when Summer wibbled on her heels, then looked over at me and glared.

To which I wiggled my fingers to her in a wave. Did she not get the hint? Was pushing her off him and ignoring her not enough for her? Some people just didn’t get it.

Hearing the rumble of the first set of bikes as they got closer, I couldn’t help but grin wide.

Lena and I both headed over to the bikes.

Standing beside Tank, I took the index card from him, and then smiled when he reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a goodie bag.

I knew what was in that bag, he had told me. A hoodie. A t-shirt. And a bunch of candy.

That was when I saw a little boy looking at all the index cards, and the moment his eyes locked on ours, he yelled, “Hi! I’m Calvin.”

Tank and I both chuckled, and then Tank, knowing his size could put kids off, warmed my heart to my very core when he lowered to the ground and got on one knee.

Now, you wouldn’t think a nine-year-old little boy could knock Tank back, but he did, he gave Tank the biggest hug ever.

After he released him, he looked at me, and my God, his smile melted my heart.

“Hey Calvin, I’m Raine and this is Tank. It’s super nice to meet you.” I said with a smile.

“You too! Thanks.” He was so excited he couldn’t stand still. He even kept running his hands up and down the bike.

Calvin looked up at me with the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen, with his blonde hair flopping off to one side, and then said rapidly, “Is he called Tank because of his size? If so, that’s really cool. I hope I get to be as big as he is.”

Before I could answer him, his eyes landed on the bag that Tank picked up off his bike.

That was when Tank handed him the goodie bag. And seeing his smile, seeing everything that was in there, somehow, his smile got even wider. How was that even possible?

I knew Tank had my heart, but I didn’t realize how deep he was embedded in it until he became embedded even more.

He pulled his bandana from around his neck and wrapped it around Calvin’s head then helped him with my helmet. After a short safety brief was given, the ride began.

The rest of us all climbed into the backs of the trucks and followed along, laughing as we heard some of the kids shouting and waving at everyone as they relished in all the waves they were getting.

They only went thirty miles per hour to make sure that the kids would be safe.

Finally, we made it to the next stopping point and took pictures with all of the kids.

After the rally was complete, Calvin came running over to us pulling an older man and woman with him.